Here’s my new tattoo! You can find the meaning behind it here.
The high of my week was meeting up with Mikaela and her girls for dinner on Wednesday. This was a spur-of-the-moment dinner date and I’m glad I said yes when I would normally say no. It was nice to get out on a weeknight and hang out with those adorable girls.
The low of my week was the news. The situation in Israel and Gaza is sickening and I feel so helpless. I am trying to stay informed and I hope this nightmare ends soon.
An Internet find I loved was this hilarious Reel. Please do not miss the comments. I was crying! So good.
I’m currently reading three books. On audio, I’m listening to The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow, which is a fun YA mystery. I’m enjoying it so far! My current romance is Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon, and I’m also really enjoying it. And, finally, I’m reading Drowning by T.J. Newman. I inhaled her debut, Falling, and this one has the potential to be just as good.
A podcast episode I enjoyed was the Fall Extravaganza episode from The Girl Next Door Podcast. This is my favorite episode they put out every year (they’ve been doing them for a decade!) and this year was no different. It brought me so much joy!
The best money I spent this week was um… nothing? I bought some groceries, cat litter, and cat food and that was about it.
My plans this weekend include not a lot! I am recording two podcast episodes with Bri on Saturday morning and meeting up with Mikaela afterward for a writing date. And Sunday is, of course, football with the fam. I am planning on making these pumpkin chocolate chip cookies—yum!
What was the high of your week?
I’m now going to spend all weekend making pumpkin cookies because I want to try a regular cakey pumpkin cookie and the chocolate chip pumpkin one. This is now a goal and I will deliver cookies to all of my neighbors. Thanks for the inspiration!
I’ve had a couple of highs this week, including get some good resumes for hiring for positions at the center where I volunteer AND getting a couple of job interviews myself. I feel like a lot of good is being put in the professional side of things and the cookies are going to help with the personal side!
We’ll have to report back on the cookies! This will be my first time making that recipe, so I hope it’s good!
What a great week for you! All of the fingers and toes crossed for those job interviews.
Okay – I am NOT a tattoo person, but this one is lovely and the story behind it! The scripted font totally does look like a heartbeat.
I just finished Drowning last week…and have Falling on my bedside table. Can’t wait to dive in!
Currently listening to the Fall Extravaganza.
Thank you! I actually had a woman say the same thing to me at the store about my tattoo. I love how delicate it is. My tattoo artist did an amazing job.
Drowning/Falling were amazing! She has such an electric way of writing.
The high of my week will be tomorrow as we will be picking up our new puppy!! It was so hard when we had to put to sleep my 16 year old cocker 15 months ago. But our hearts are ready for a new puppy full of new adventures all while we never forget our previous girl.
OMG how exciting! Congrats on your new addition. <3
I LOVE the tattoo!!!
That instagram reel- so, so funny. I was literally laughing out loud while watching it and had to forward it to my husband because he wanted to know what was so hilarious.
I’ve never listened to The Girl Next Door but this sounds like an episode I would be into! I’ll try it out.
That book… I think it would make me too anxious. Page-turning thrillers like that are too much for me.
I’ve never made those cookies, but Sally’s recipes are reliably good. You’ll have to let us know how they come out.
Go Dolphins! Go Tua!!!
Thank you!
The pumpkin cookies turned out pretty good. I’m not a huge pumpkin fan (blasphemy, I know), but even I enjoyed them. 🙂
Another strong Dolphins win on Sunday. YAY!
On your podcast you recommended Falling, and I have that on my (large) pile of books. Yay for library cards!
I hope you enjoy Falling as much as I did! It was such a propulsive thriller.
I’m not on IG so I need a screenshot of the explanation! Please text me! It’s beautiful!
The high of my week was bookclub on Wednesday. I felt some guilt going since I left the next day for my work trip to KY. But it was a great meeting! We read ‘under the skin’ which we all loved. It was an excellent narrative non-fiction about the poorer health outcomes for Black people. Several in the club work in healthcare so has insightful comments to make!
I haven’t even heard of that book! I’ll have to look it up. I’m glad it led to a very insightful book club conversation!
I am not a tattoo person but this one is so tastefully done! I love the script font!
I am also devastated by the news from the Middle East and I can’t stop thinking about the humanitarian crisis that is taking place there. I feel helpless but I wrote to representatives and senators yesterday to stop the genocide in Gaza.
The high of my week? Hard to find a high this week… but maybe that I figured out what I will get Jon for his birthday. LOL (He’s so hard to shop for!)
Thank you! I am really pleased with the way the tattoo turned out.
The news is just goddamn heartbreaking. It’s so hard.
Your tattoo is SO LOVELY, it really touched me. That reel was hilarious.
The news from the middle east is so heartbreaking and I feel so helpless. Just. Helpless.
Thank you! I really love the way the tattoo turned out.
I just adore your tattoo. It’s gorgeous!
I hope you are having a nice weekend! The high of my week was going to Acadia National Park and White Mountains National Forest!
I really want to visit Acadia National Park someday! From pictures, it looks STUNNING.