The high of my week was having a very productive Monday. It’s always nice to have a Monday off and I filled up my day with chores and errands. Not the most fun way to spend a Monday, of course, but it allowed me to start the work week feeling like I had all of my ducks in a row. That’s a great feeling!
The low of my week was the Dolphins pitiful performance in the playoffs. It’s been 24 years since the Dolphins won a playoff game, and I was really hoping that this team would break our playoff curse. Things seemed so promising at the beginning of the season! But, alas, we lost in embarrassing fashion. But at least my nephew was happy since he’s a Chiefs fan!
One nagging task I marked off my to-do list was cleaning the floors. Why is it such a process to clean my floors? I’m not even talking about mopping (although I tried to do that and realized the cleaning solution I bought from Target was not the correct one for my Swiffer mop, so that was a disappointing discovery). But just running my robot vacuum feels like such a process. I have to dump out the dust bin and remove the rollers so I can clear out all the hair that got wrapped around them during the last cleaning cycle.I have to pick up everything from my floor: all the cat toys and cat beds and rugs and such, ensuring they’re ready for a thorough cleaning with the help of professionals like newport carpet cleaners, who specialize in restoring carpets to their pristine condition, leaving your home fresh and allergen-free. Also, the cleaning service by is such a lifesaver. And then I have to try to direct the robot while it’s cleaning to make sure it doesn’t clean in the same spot over and over again. (This is what happens when you buy the more affordable vacuum, I guess. I can’t map it to specific rooms.) Is this saving me any time? IDK but I got it done on Sunday finally and I am really glad it’s done.
A Reel I loved was this precious cat video of a cat getting “makeup” put on by her mom.
I’m currently reading three books! I’m slowly working through The Honest Enneagram by Sarajane Case (reading one chapter per day). On audio, I’m listening to Cassandra in Reverse by Holly Smale. And I just started Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake last night!
A podcast episode I enjoyed was Nicole and Sasheer recounting their two-week trip to Africa on Best Friends. I don’t know how they continue to get themselves into the funniest shenanigans while traveling, but I live for these kinds of episodes from them!
The best money I spent was $30ish dollars on new rugs for my bathroom. Such a boring adult purchase but it has brought me immense joy to replace my dingy bathroom rugs that were driving me crazy. They were not very absorbent and didn’t take kindly to being washed, so they looked beat up no matter what condition they were in. My new rugs (bought on a whim at TJ Maxx) are so much better. Hooray for small purchases that make a world of difference!
My plans this weekend include book club tonight! We are doing a PowerPoint night where we’re all presenting on a topic of our choosing (I’ve been debating between 5-6 topics so it’s been hard to narrow it down!). Saturday, Bri and I are recording with Mikaela for a podcast episode and then I’m going to my mom’s to watch the playoff games. And Sunday, I plan on sleeping in and lumping around the apartment until it’s time to head to my mom’s for more playoff games. A good weekend ahead!
What was the high of your week?
Adulting FTW! Sometimes the best gift that you can give yourself is using your day off to get stuff done.
I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a robot vacuum and what you say is EXACTLY why I have not and probably never will get one. If you’re questioning if it saves time in an apartment I have serious questions about how much harder it would make it to vacuum a HOUSE. Ugh I do need to mop our kitchen floor which seriously is a chore because I have to vacuum, move the table and all of the odds and ends, mop, let everything dry…um maybe the kitchen floor isn’t that bad.
I agree that replacing the mundane stuff like bathroom rugs that are past their prime is always a pleasure.
I do love having the robot for my carpeted bedroom + big area rug in my living room, but it doesn’t work as well as I’d like for my hardwood floors. I think it vacuums carpet WAY better than I did, and it gets under the bed/couch/chairs, which is nice.
I accidentally watched a reel – I don’t normally – that was a sponsored reel advertising makeup for women over 40, and now my instagram feed is absolutely flooded with makeup for women over 40. NOW I AM DISSATISFIED WITH MY UNDEREYE CIRCLES. I’m this close to buying everything. Save me!
I’m very excited because we are going to Mexico this weekend for a week! So today is all about pedicure, sugaring, packing, etc. I managed to get everything done I wanted to this week, so now it’s just getting ready to goooooo!
Please tell me if you stumble upon a great solution to under eye circles. Mine are especially bad, I think because I have olive skin tones. I use an ilia under eye brightener but I think I need more help.
Have the best time in Mexico!
You just need to watch a Reel of dogs playing in the snow! Recalibrate that algorithm!
You know I love my robovac but even still my floors are a mess. There is just SO MUCH STUFF on the floor right now. Winter gloves, fluffy soccer balls, random twist-ties. And SO. MUCH. HAIR. Sigh. I feel you.
I did mop one set of floors on Wednesday and I’d say it took about 30 minutes for it to look the way it did before I mopped.
Little purchases/upgrades/replacements like that tend to have the biggest bang for buck in my opinion. Things we see every day that grate on our nerves and then – MAGIC. Replacing/updating them is just such a great feeling.
I am so genuinely HAPPY when I walk in my bathroom now with the new rugs. Little changes can be magic, indeed!
I really thought the robovac would be life-changing and it hasn’t really felt that way to me, wah.
Vacuuming and sweeping floors is the bane of my existence. One dog, one cat, one person with long hair and I have to vacuum the rugs at least twice a week! WHY!!?? (I know why. I chose the pet life.)
Highlight of my week: I have been at my job for two and a half months and yesterday I felt like I added to the team rather than hanging on and asking questions and not being particularly useful. Yay! This morning I was back to not knowing what I was doing, but, hey, you take the wins you get!
Oh, that moment when you actually feel like you’re providing helpful feedback and not just sitting back and observing is SO GREAT. You’re getting there!
It’s amazing how much difference a bathroom rug can make!
Sometimes I really want a robot vacuum but I’m not sure it would be practical! Some people love them, though. I don’t know. It sounds like yours is kind of a hassle, so I completely understand not using it as often as you may like to.
Hope your book club goes great!
I think the much more expensive robot vacuums work so much better than the one I bought for <$300, lol. It's nice for the carpet (and all of the cat litter that gets spilled in my bedroom closets, sigh) but not as useful for my wood floors.
Yay for new rugs! The highlight of my week was having a library hold I’ve been waiting 21 weeks for come in – I may have shrieked when I received the notification, haha!
21 weeks! What a delight that must have been! YAY!
Yes, we have a fun weekend of football ahead of us. I’ve moved on from the Dolphin tragedy and am now rooting for the Chiefs. (and Packers, and Lions.) It’s kind of nice to watch a game where I’m not that emotionally invested in the outcome- I’m hoping to see close, exciting games.
I’ll check out the podcast you mentioned- your last recommendation was a hit so I trust you!
It was such a nice weekend of football, wasn’t it? I was invested in the SF/GB game because my brother loves the Niners and they’re my backup team, but the other games? MEH. It was nice to see the Bills lose, though. Hehehe.
The high of my week was a 2 hour walk in the snowy woods. It felt so great being outdoors, cold crisp air and sunshine and the serenity of the woods. Unfortunately I overdid it a bit and I feel Covid is back with stronger symptoms. Sigh.
I totally get the feeling of starting the work week with a half check list in the first day. Way to go.
Oh no! I’m sorry you’re still not feeling totally recovered from Covid. It sometimes has such a long recovery process. I hope you’re feeling better!
I want to get a robovacuum but with all our steps and toys and such, I don’t know if it would work!
The high of my was meeting another mom in my neighborhood for drinks/dinner last night. And i found her after she commented on my blog a couple of years ago. We had such a fun night and I badly needed a night out of the house – and we met at the awesome restaurant that is 2 blocks from my house so I could walk there! (It was a very cold walk as it was -5 but still better than having to drive!
I *think* robot vacuums understand how to use steps? But don’t quote me on that. I wish I could just turn it on at any moment and it would do its thing but it feels like there are always some pre-vacuuming steps to do!
What a fun outing! I’m glad you were able to meet up. How amazing that she lives in your NEIGHBORHOOD!
I love productive days, even if they’re my day offs, because it makes for easier days the rest of the week 🙂
Robot vacuums sound amazing but I don’t think they’d work in our apartment, so I am happy to quickly vacuum with my Miele… haha.
Sometimes I do take out my cordless vac and start tackling the spots my robot hasn’t gotten to, which defeats the purpose, ya know?! Sigh.
We have a roomba and it sucked my bra the other day lol high of the week… Taking off on Friday to be sick and only be sick. No chores!
I’m proud of you for taking Friday off to just recuperate and rest! It sounds like it was what your body needed!
So sorry about the Dolphins. Now that we know the Chiefs will be back (AGAIN), I am sure your nephew is happy! What will happen if the Niners win? Will he and your brother root against each other? (I’m going for the underdog – c’mon, Lions!)
Productive days off are so nice, aren’t they? Although I’d rather have a Friday off than a Monday. I wonder why that is…