We interviewed our bestie Mikaela on our podcast last weekend, all about what it’s like to be an Enneagram 1. I can’t wait to release this episode!
The high of my week was the grilled cheese I had at Mikaela’s house on Wednesday night. You guys, this was the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had. Mikaela made it on this delicious gluten-friendly sourdough bread that she got from a local bakery and she added a touch of garlic powder to the sandwich. It was so good that I’m still thinking about it. I’m a picky eater so I always get a little worried when a friend offers to make me food to eat. What if I hate it and can’t eat it? So, I was worried when Mikaela said she would make grilled cheese when I came over on Wednesday. What if the bread was too chewy or I didn’t like the type of cheese she used? Thankfully, I gobbled down this sandwich and wish I had room in my stomach for more. I may need to track down this bakery to get a sourdough loaf myself!
The low of my week was having a really itchy head. I have scalp psoriasis and I have to use my topical steroid a few times a week to keep it in check. But something was up this week as my head was so itchy around my psoriasis patches. Usually, I deal with dry skin buildup in this area, but this was something different. It was really affecting my quality of life as I felt so uncomfortable and every time I used my topical steroid, my head would burn for at least 15 minutes afterward. This isn’t unusual, but the length and severity of it was. Just not fun at all! Mikaela also has scalp psoriasis (we are soul sisters in every way, ha), and was telling me about how her scalp has been so itchy this week. And we finally realized: Duh. The weather. We had a cold snap last week and it probably affected our symptoms. I don’t think it affects them as severely as it would if we lived in a colder climate, but it’s still a factor I need to be aware of.
One nagging task I marked off my to-do list was starting my closet re-organization process. I am so excited to do this project! I love organization so much that I would gladly come to anyone’s house specifically for this purpose. My closet is filled with boxes and bins and random items, and I’m starting small by pulling out one thing every day and removing it from my closet. Thankfully, I have a nice big space in the corner of my bedroom (where my cozy reading chair will eventually go!) so I’ve been corralling like items together in this space. Once everything has been removed, I am going to figure out how many of the SAME containers I need from Target so that they can be stacked up in my closet with labels. (Right now, the issue is that I have so many different types and sizes of containers and nothing is labeled, so it’s been hard to find things in my closet.) This way, I will know exactly where to find my cozy socks when it’s a cold day or my stash of extra pens when I’m running low.
A Reel I loved was this one that my friend Katie shared online: “What text messages mean to an anxious person.” YUP!
I’m currently reading Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake in print. It’s so good. AHB can’t write a bad sapphic romance, in my opinion. I also just started Cover Story by Susan Rigetti on audio. I’m only two hours in but it’s really good so far!
A podcast episode I enjoyed was A Crash Course in the Real Housewives of The Traitors. I’m watching the current season of The Traitors (one of the best reality TV shows – it’s on Peacock!) and there are a lot of Real Housewives on this season. I don’t watch RH so I’m unfamiliar with them, and this podcast episode helped me learn more about these women… and, um, they are terrible people. It didn’t make me want to root for any of them, that’s for sure.
The best money I spent was $12 on cream for my psoriasis itchiness. I was desperate so I searched Target’s app for a psoriasis cream and found this one from Gold Bond. The topical steroid just wasn’t doing the trick, so I decided to try something different. I slathered this on my scalp (my dry patches are right behind my ears on both sides of my scalp) all Saturday and by Sunday, I was feeling so much better. There’s still a touch of itchiness, but it’s much more manageable than it was.
My plans this weekend include getting my nose pierced tonight (!), a day of NO PLANS on Saturday (woohoo!), and a big day of football on Sunday. My brother’s team (49ers) is in the NFC Championship and my nephew’s team (Chiefs) is in the AFC Championship, so it will be a tense atmosphere. We need one of these teams to lose because the last time the Chiefs and 49ers met in the Super Bowl (2020), it was not a fun experience.
What was the high of your week?
You can come to my house anytime and organize my closet!
I’m rooting for the Chiefs and Lions this weekend. But what I really want to see are two close, exciting games! If the Lions go to the Super bowl I’ve promised to make a Detroit-style pizza (which apparently involves getting a special pan) for the game
Good luck with the nose piercing!.
I hope the games are fun this weekend; that’s all I really care about!
Planning my trip to South Florida for the sole purpose of organizing your closet!!
Ugh, sorry about the scalp psoriasis. That doesn’t sound like fun at all (I think my cousin deals with it occasionally and the weather can definitely affect it.)
The high of my week was booking my flight to Germany in the spring 🙂
GERMANY IN THE SPRING!!! AHHHHH. I am so excited for you!
There’s something about grilled cheese–one of my oldest friends still remembers a grilled cheese sandwich my mother made her years ago, and that it was just! so! perfect! When the right food finds you at the right moment, that’s great.
The highlight of my week has to be the elevator finally being fixed. Living on the sixth floor without an elevator for 8 days was super hard on my poor knees. So happy to have it back!
OMG, I am so glad your elevator is working again. That sounds miserable!
That grilled cheese sounds amazing! And I am looking forward to that podcast episode because I am a hardcore 1 as you know!!
How exciting about your nose piercing!! Can’t wait to see it. I hope it wasn’t too painful.
We are cheering for the Lions and Baltimore!
I can’t wait for you to listen to this episode with Mikaela. I see a lot of similarities in the things she struggles with when it comes to motherhood and your struggles (and you both had kids in your late 30s so another similarity there!), so I hope you find some comfort in this episode!
Oh, can’t wait to see your piercing! Oh, and starting that reorganization project must have felt so good… My highlight?… Going to a sports bar with R lol
I love starting a new organization project and this one has me breathing a sigh of relief because my closet has been a nightmare for the past few months.
Hooray for sports bars! I’m sure R loved it!
Oh that itching. I can almost feel it. I am sorry.
A pierced nose. Wow. But it fits you. I actually thought you already had one. Crazy.
Anyways enjoy your Football Sunday. And I hope your free Saturday was wonderful.
I think you just gave me the best compliment, thinking I already had a nose piercing! Hehe. 🙂
I am excited to listen to that episode with Mikaela too! Maybe it will help me understand my Enneagram 1 husband. Ha.
That sandwich sounds divine! So glad you enjoyed it!
OMG, I am just imagining how beautiful your closet is going to be with all those matching containers! Exciting! I can’t wait to see it!
I saw that anxious text reel yesterday and it made me laugh!
What a big weekend! I hope we get to hear more about it. Especially the piercing! Val, Tiff, and I just made appointments to get piercings when we are together next month. Just lobes for me 🙂
Oh, I hope our episode does give you some insight into the way your husband’s brain works. Mikaela was wonderfully open and vulnerable with us, and I think it’s going to be a really great episode. I’m excited for everyone to listen to it!
Yay for piercings! I have been thinking about getting a second hole in my lobes. You’ll have to let me know how painful it is. I was grateful I only needed to be stabbed ONCE with the nose piercing, haha.
Cannot wait to see the piercing! I wish I had the guts to get one (I would love a tiny one, but… it’s not really consistent with the ‘me’ on the outside…) or a tattoo. There is nothing, NOTHING, like a good grilled cheese. There were two diners in college – neither of which is there anymore, sigh, gentrification, that had the best grilled cheese and fries. Yummm…. 🙂