The high of my week was having so much social time. I had a fun movie night with friends on Monday night (we watched The Idea of You, and I really liked it!) and Tuesday night, I went to Topgolf with another friend. I also had a roommate for a night—I mentioned that my mom is getting her bathroom remodeled and because the house was still toilet-less as of Monday, she stayed with me for a night, which was lovely! (Her house was no longer toilet-less by Tuesday, so back home she went!) She also came over Wednesday night after our workout class so we could watch our shows (Survivor and The Amazing Race) and she could take a shower. I love having weeks where I don’t have any plans and can just be a lump in the evenings, but balancing that with busy social weeks is good for my soul.
The low of my week was an itchy scalp. My scalp psoriasis has been horrible this week, so damn itchy and uncomfortable. I’ve been slathering on steroid gel along with an OTC cream, and the itchiness seems to be improving. This latest flare seems different than normal flares, and I think I’ve pinpointed the cause: hair dye. I had the same type of flare the last time couple of times I got my hair colored, but never connected the flare with the source. Well, at least now I know! I either need to see if there’s a different type of formula my hair stylist can use when creating my hair dye or just accept that I’m going to have a flare after a hair appointment.
One nagging task I marked off my to-do list was mopping the floors. Why is this task so arduous? I’m not going to tell you guys the last time I mopped because it would be too embarrassing, but I hate doing it and it’s one of those chores that constantly falls off my to-do list. The floors get vacuumed regularly thanks to Ruby the Robot, but they also need a good scrubbing every once in a while, and that finally happened this week. Freshly mopped floors make me so happy!
I’m currently reading two books. On audio, I’m listening to Not a Happy Family by Shari Lapena, which my friend Lynn highly recommended. I’m a few hours in and loving it! I also just started Anita Kelly’s new queer romance, How You Get the Girl. She’s one of my auto-buy authors who hasn’t written a bad romance yet, and this one is no different (so far)!
A blog post I loved was A Day in Maggie’s Life by knit read cats hockey, where she took us through a random day in her cat, Maggie’s, life. How cute, right? I am stealing this idea so please be prepared for a day in the life of Ellie and Lila very soon. It will involve a lot of sleeping, begging for treats, and belly rubs.
The best money I spent was $12 on a new iPhone case. I was hoping the iPhone case I’ve been using would fit on my new phone (I upgraded from the iPhone 13 Pro to the iPhone 15 Pro), but alas, the 15 is just a smidge bigger so I needed a new case and I needed it to get here fast. (I hate using my phone without a case!) So I bought a cheap one from Amazon that arrived the next day. It’s a bit boring (plain purple) and I’m someone who likes a fun iPhone case, but it serves its purpose. The question now is… do I upgrade to a case that expresses my style more? I have my eye on this cat-themed case or this colorful case. Decisions, decisions!
My plans this weekend include a girl’s night in tonight at Bri’s house where we’ll enjoy pizza, pool time, and games. Tomorrow, I have a writing date with Mikaela and then I’m going to the Tampa CATstravaganza with my mom. (!!!) To say I am excited is an understatement! I think we might also have game night with my brother on Saturday evening, so it will be a very busy day. And Sunday, I’ll have a low-key day at home. My mom and I are thinking of trying out a Zumba class Sunday morning, but that’s all my plans for the day.
What was the high of your week? Do you have any fun weekend plans?
I have psoriasis, too!! UGH. Does regular old dandruff shampoo help your scalp at all? Surprisingly it DOES for me with a flat, but not the same kind every time. (My skin likes to mix it up??) Worth a (cheap) try maybe?
I never tried dandruff shampoo! It’s worth a shot – I’ve been using a prescription-strength psoriasis shampoo and it is NOT HELPING. Ugh.
I have reactions to certain hair dyes, too – but I didn’t figure it out until I started with my new hairdresser who explained that dye shouldn’t burn my scalp (who knew?!)… What a fun week! (Well, productive, too, with getting the floors done!) I think my highlight would be taking a break yesterday to finish my book on the couch – my body just needed a break and I never get alone time in the house.
I’m hoping my stylist can adjust her formula a bit to help with my sensitive scalp. Womp.
Taking a break to lay on the couch and finish a book? THE BEST THING EVER. I love that you gave yourself the time to do that!
Upgrade to the cat-themed case!!! It’s so cute. Now I want a new phone case- mine is cracked to I really do need one. And on the subject of cats, I’ll pop over and read the post about Maggie. Ha, great idea for a blog post.
You have been busy lately! My week was much more calm than the last couple ones have been (which is the way I like it!) The exciting part of my weekend is that my son is coming home tomorrow night- which means I”ll actually be motivated to clean up and make a couple nice dinners. Other than that, I’m not doing anything.
Have fun at the CATstravaganza (I want to hear all about this!)
You have convinced me to upgrade my phone case. Life is too short for boring phone cases!
Hooray for your son coming home!!
Floors are the bane of my existence. I mop our basement floors…once a year? They just don’t show dirt. But our main flooring is horribly light and shows everything. I just mopped yesterday, actually. It looks amazing for like 20 minutes and then one kids washes their hands and flings water everywhere and I’m back to square one. All that to say, I HEAR YA ON THE FLOORS!
I love my mop though; Vileda Spin Mop. It’s AH-MAZING.
I really want one of those robot mops because I am just SO LAZY about mopping. Ack. Thankfully, I have darker floors so they don’t show as much. I can usually get away with mopping every few months, lol.
Yay for lots of social time! It sounds like you had a lot of fun things going on; I mean, who doesn’t love a movie night? I love that your Mom and you are so close; you guys remind me of the Gilmore Girls. So cute.
I actually just finished Not a Happy Family and I enjoyed it. I also just finished one of her other books (Everyone Here is Lying) that I ended up accidentally getting off hold at the same time!
Aww, that’s such a sweet compliment (Gilmore Girls). Thank you! It’s my favorite relationship. 🙂
I’ve read one or two other books by Shari Lapena and they are pretty fun. I am halfway through and have ZERO ideas of what happened.
I think that you have to get the cat phone case! We use our phones too much to settle for something boring (OK fine I have a plain clear case because I like how it looks but I reserve the right to get something more fun if I want to).
Did you read the book The Idea of You? I know that everyone is bothered by how much was changed for the movie. I never heard of the book until the movie came out so I have no opinion but I’m curious.
The Idea of You was a DNF for me; I gave up after 40% or something. I was just so stressed out, waiting for everyone to find out she was dating a pop star! I figured I would like the movie more than the book, and I did.
I think my weekend plan might need to include watching that movie. FUN!
I have a clear phone case, and I had a photograph I like printed up, and I cut it to fit. I LOVE IT. I got the idea from my SIL, who has a picture of Totoro in hers. She is a big Totoro fan (as are we).
I love that you and your mom are so close. It’s truly wonderful how much you enjoy your time together.
I hate mopping. I may check out the mop Elisabeth suggested. As though a new mop would make it a less horrible task. Maybe?
I had to laugh that your solution to the hair dye isn’t to stop coloring your hair, or just do a balayage so it’s away from your scalp. It made me laugh because I AM WITH YOU! I don’t know if I will ever stop coloring my hair. I’ve been coloring it since I was in my late teens or early 20s. I’ve given it a break a couple of times, and I don’t really like my natural color on me. (Interesting, because I like it on other people.) And now that I’m older there’s the gray to contend with as well. Sigh.
That’s a cute idea for a phone case! And much cheaper, haha.
I’m hoping I can find a different coloring formula that won’t irritate my psoriasis! I am certain they must have an option for sensitive scalps, but we’ll see. And no, the answer is not to stop dyeing my hair, haha. I’m glad you understand me!
I agree, mopping is the WORST. It’s like, okay you gotta vacuum, then move a bunch of stuff, then mop, then stand still somewhere for a while, then move the stuff back. It’s not just mopping!
YES! There is so much WORK involved in mopping! It’s such an arduous task. I hate it. My mom has a robot mopper and I am SO JELLY.
Ha. I just mopped the floors today (after not mopping for 3 weeks because of travel). Let me tell you, I don’t like mopping floors, but I do like my floors to be clean…
I usually try to get away with sweeping/vacuuming whenever possible but there’s dust that just sticks to the floor.
So happy to hear you had so much positive social time this week. I know as a fellow introvert that it can be hard to have a lot of social events in a week, but they are also always fun.
It is SO lovely to have freshly mopped floors. I love that after effect, but I wish the journey to get there was less arduous.
I am having a much more low-key week this week, and I am here for it!
Yay for a week of fun plans that didn’t wear you out too much! Heavy social plan weeks can be so very uplifting! Sorry to hear about the scalp flare, though. I hope there is a different dye formula your stylist can use.
I had a good trip to Dallas for work. A couple of the meetings were SO GOOD that I walked out and told the sales person ‘gosh I love my job’. The person I was traveling with is someone I just love and she called me when I got back to tell me how much she enjoyed traveling and that it reminded her why she loves her job (she’s been having a rough spring). She also struggles with anxiety so we had a great talk about managing anxiety. She said she really appreciated that I was so candid with her and that she could confide in me.
Our fun weekend plan is that we have a date night tonight! It’s our anniversary tomorrow so this is our anniversary celebration. We really need some 1:1 time away from the kids. It’s hard to really connect with the kids around and my travel has definitely added a strain/stress so I am glad we can get away and really focus on each other. A couple we know is hosting a gathering tonight, too, so we will stop by that on the way home from our date. So we will get some social time in as well.
That’s so good to hear that you still love your job even during this busy season! And to have a candid discussion about anxiety/work life with someone else. How uplifting!
What a fun and social week you had! And your weekend sounds really lovely too. I also hate mopping but sometimes it must be done. It’s hard to keep floors clean with Rex. He’s just so huge and fuzzy, and those paws just collect dirt. Oh well, I would rather have joy than clean floors, as I discovered when Barkley died. My weekend plans are entirely reading and weeding. Well, not entirely, I have other things in there too, like perhaps a trip to the mall for new walking shoes. Mine are just worn right out and my feet are a bit achy, so I guess I have to bite the bullet and buy some shoes.
Wow, so you don’t wait an entire year when your shoes are making your feet ache to finally get new shoes? What a concept! 😉
Yes, there is a lot of cat hair to contend with in my household, but I’d much rather have cat hair + my girls than no cat hair and no sweet kitties!
I’m so pleased to have done a blog post you loved! It really was fun to track a day in Maggie’s life. She’s living the dream!
I say go for a fun phone case. I get overwhelmed by all the options, or frustrated when I see one I love and it doesn’t come in a fit for my phone. I like the one I have now, but it bothers me that it’s faded. First world problem…
It was such a cute post!
Yes, I should get the fun case, shouldn’t I? Life’s too short to have a boring phone case!
Mopping is hard because it’s like eight tasks in one. You have to pick up everything off the floor. You have to sweep the floor. Then, if you’re anything like me, you still have to Swiffer it because there will still be pet fur hanging around. Then you have to figure out if you’re really going to mop (like with a bucket and water) or just Swiffer Wet. Then you have to get everything together and then you have to do it. And you can never get into all the corners, so some of it will have to be done on your hands and knees.
AND THEN!! As soon as you do this, your favorite four-legged creature will inevitably walk through the wet floor, leaving little footprints. And you’ll have to clean up after them.
You have my permission not to mop a lot. It’s so much work!
I will say that my mopping journey has a few less steps (I’m a lazy bitch and just do the Swiffer wet, and anything that requires getting on my hands and knees will be there for eternity, lol), but yes, IT IS A LOT OF WORK. I’d like to do it on a monthly basis, but even that feels ambitious, haha.
You watched the idea of you?? I wanna see that!
High point of the week… Was wrapping up the last unit of the year in both levels, and prepping their final exams. Also packing up my classroom. I think I had a great year (apart from a few people pleasing hiccups on my part), good students, fun activities for the students. They leaned for sure, and that makes me happy. Now they just have to study for their funals!
The Idea of You was fun! I enjoyed it.
How great that you can look back on the school year and feel proud of what you accomplished and your students. I love that!
Ive never mopped the floor really but we splurged on a self-cleaning robot that can vacuum and mopp. Game-changer. I don’t think I have ever have had cleaner floors. yeah.
Sorry our scalp is itching. Such an annoying feeling.
Glad you have so much fun with your friends. Sounds like a lovely week.
I want a robot mopper! My mom has one and I am very jealous about it. One day!
YES GET A NEW CASE!!!! Gotta get one that’s YOU!
I love that you had a roomie, best roomie ever!
Good to know about the hair dye. That makes sense.
I am super late to reading blogs, but you’ve read my fun weekend plans by now – my Denver trip and marathon!
I would have been SO anxious without a phone case! Glad you got one so quickly. I am a purely functional phone case person. Black. Otterbox. So far has worked to keep my phone from exploding when I drop it 10 times a day…
Also? I mop weekly. I know. I’m weird.
Thank you for doing with – and for – your mom what some of us can’t. I love seeing how close you are to her. <3