Happy Wednesday, friends, and happy Birthday Eve to meeeee. 🙂 I’m wrapping up my thankful series with the last set of questions today. I’m really glad I revisited these questions this year. It was fun to look back on 2013 and see how my answers have changed. Maybe this will be an every-six-years tradition? Haha – we’ll see!
21) The best thing I tasted today was my Publix sub! It’s no secret that I love Pub subs. I get them a few times a week – they are the tastiest subs on the planet and one of the main reasons I’ll never leave Florida. 😉
22) I love going online to read blogs! Haha, this answer hasn’t changed from six years ago. (Also, “going online” is very early-2000s, lol. We’re online 24/7 now!) I still read lots of personal blogs and I’m glad so many of us are still around, writing about our lives, even while many others have fallen away. I love this space and sharing my life with so many of you – and I love reading about your lives, too! It’s truly such a joy.
23) I’m grateful for the way these things feel my kittens’ soft fur, that first sip of Dr. Pepper, finishing a page in my coloring book, unexpected compliments, fall-like temperatures, those first few seconds when I slip into a hot bubble bath, and workouts that make my legs feel like jelly. (I could go on and on here – so many simple pleasures in life!)
24) Today I felt supported when I was in a meeting with my team this afternoon. We have a monthly team meeting to talk about changes, challenges, questions, etc., and during this meeting, we were asked to bring in some ideas for boosting productivity. The idea I pitched was looked at very favorably and I’m hoping we can make it happen!
25) When I look around my home, I’m grateful for a little space that’s all mine. I love having my own little apartment and living alone. Even though it’s a tiny space and I’m looking forward to upgrading to something bigger next year, this place has been perfect for me at this point in my life. It makes me feel so cozy and safe!
26) When I look around the world, I’m grateful for the people who stand up for what’s right. It’s not easy and I commend every single person who sees an injustice and decides to do something about it because so many of us don’t. (I’m talking about myself here.) I was reminded about this while listening to a podcast where they talked about how much we revere people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela now but during their time, they weren’t looked at fondly. They were disrupting the status quo and people don’t like that. To those disrupting the status quo today, I am so grateful for you and your work.
27) I love that I have the ability to daydream about travel. It’s such a privilege to travel and I don’t take a single trip I’ve been on for granted. I’m spending a lot of time right now daydreaming about the places I want to visit next year and the new experiences I want to have.
28) I love it when I see animals sleeping. Is there anything more adorable than an animal all curled up and sleeping? I have so many pictures of Dutch all snuggled up in bed, snoozing away, and they are some of my favorite pictures. And I do the same with my cats. I also exclaim out loud how cute they are, waking them up from their slumber. Hehe. Oops. I just can’t help myself!
29) The nicest thing I have felt on my skin today was cool air. We’ve been having great weather in Florida for the past few weeks and I just hope it continues. Mornings in the 50s, afternoons in the 60s, low 70s. It’s everything I want!
30) I’m grateful that I’m learning to appreciate myself. It’s really true that your thirties are such a great decade because you’ve set aside the worries and struggles of fitting in and you’re done with all the hard work of figuring out who you are and what you want out of life. The thirties are about settling into yourself and falling in love with you. I’m not going to say I’m perfect – I still struggle with feelings of inadequacy and I still spend time wishing I was friendlier, skinnier, more outgoing. But, on the whole, I appreciate who I am and love her and wouldn’t have her any other way.
What are some little things you’re grateful for?
Thanks for giving me the idea to do these posts, too. It was really uplifting to think about all the good in life! I’m grateful for so much right now – our new house, my family, my health (although I could do without the pesky head cold I came down with), our financial stability, living in a city I love and the list goes on and on!
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Birthday Eve and happy vacation to you!
I also LOVE going online to read blogs… I am so glad so many people still keeps theirs up… I know so many who have completely switched to IG, but honestly, a gazillion story snippets and LONG captions make my skin itch.
Yes to being grateful for the people who stand up for what is right. I often struggle with action, because I often don’t know how I can make a difference…. but every little thing, big or small, does make a difference.
Thanks for sharing these thankful posts! They were fun to read and revisit.
I have so much to be thankful for. And I feel incredibly lucky to be able to spend time reflecting on it all. 🙂