I’m back with Part II of the gratitude worksheet (which you can find here). Thanksgiving is tomorrow – ahh!
16) The prettiest thing I saw today was sunshine! After over a week of dreary, gloomy weather, the sun has come out and it has been amazing to see blue skies out my window all day.
17) When I look into the mirror, I’m grateful for the love I have for my body as it is right now. I spent way too long hating my body and wishing it was thinner. Are there days when I don’t love my body? Yes, of course. I’m human. But, for the most part, I’m happy with what I look like and I no longer hate this fat body of mine.
18) Three of my most prized possessions are Eloise, Lila, and my bed. I love all three very much for very different reasons.
19) I’m grateful my eyes let me see without glasses! Getting LASIK was such a great decision and I love being able to live my life without a clunky pair of glasses on my face. Being able to see the minute I wake up is such a delight!
20) Something I would never change about myself is my love of reading. I love being an avid reader. I love connecting with other people about books and the reading life. I love spending time working on my reading spreadsheet and book lists and all that fun stuff.
21) The best thing I tasted today was a handful of dark chocolate-covered pomegranates. Yum!
22) I love going online to connect with people! The blogging community is truly something special and I’m glad to have found my place in it.
23) I’m grateful for the way these things feel really cozy pajama pants, my cats’ soft fur, sunshine on my face, a hot shower or bath, and my hair after I’ve washed it.
24) Today I felt supported when I received a great comment from my boss after finishing my part of a project we’re working on. It felt good to be acknowledged!
25) When I look around my home, I’m grateful for all of the sweet Christmas decorations. My apartment is fully decked out for Christmas and I love the collection of Christmas decor I have accumulated over the years. I have signs and garlands and tiny sparkly Christmas trees and twinkly lights. It makes my home so cozy.
26) When I look around at the world, I’m grateful for people who step up. I am always so inspired by people who see a need and want to fulfill it. Those who rush to help in emergencies and people who donate time/energy/money when disaster strikes. People who march for causes they care about and call their elected officials when things are happening that they are not okay with. Sometimes it’s hard to think that your small monetary donation or going to a march is going to help a cause that feels so much bigger than you, but it does.
27) I love that I have the ability to daydream about goals! Bri and I just released a podcast episode about goal-setting, which was so fun to talk about because setting goals is one of my most favorite things. I love this time of year because I get to reflect on the past year and think about the goals I want to accomplish next year. It’s so fun!
28 – I love it when I see animals on my Instagram feed! I love that so many people post funny Reels and photos of their pets. My newest favorite IG follow is It’s Ya Boy, Winston who is the sassiest little dachshund you ever did see!
29) The nicest thing I have felt on my skin today was a very hot towel on my face. My favorite part of my skincare routine every morning and evening is my hot towel. I turn on the faucet as hot as it will go and wet my washcloth (the water is often so hot that I can’t keep my hands underneath it for very long!) and then I rub the washcloth all over my face to get it wet before cleansing it. It is the most luxurious thing I do for myself, honestly. It feels so good.
30) I’m grateful that I’m learning how to approach my eating habits and unlearn diet culture. I discussed this at length yesterday, but I am just so grateful to have found a dietician who truly understands me and wants me to live my best intuitive eating life without the nonsense of diet culture.
What’s the prettiest thing you saw today?
Prettiest thing I’ve seen so far today? The coffeemaker and the coffee it made!
My pretty teal Bible, coffee (!) and the leaves on our walk to school.
Also, I’m a bit obsessed with the bottle brush/Merry sign you have. TOO CUTE! You have such a gift with cozy decorating <3
Thank you, friend! That is a compliment I take to heart. <3
Your cats match your bed! How cute! I love that you are feeling more comfortable about your body; I think that we spend a lot of time worrying about that kind of thing when we should be enjoying life!
Today, I am at my parents house looking out the window at the beautiful fall leaves! They are nearly off the trees but the few that are left are really pretty!
My husband and I went to Costco yesterday to buy some food for our traditional Thanksgiving salad and we also bought some food for the food drive they’re holding at our workplace. The best sight I’ve seen today is that when I went to put the food in the box, the box was overflowing. It was so great to see our community rallying around those in need.
I adore your Christmas decorations! And cat photos. 🙂
The prettiest thing I’ve seen in the last 18 hours was the moon last night! The boys are super into the moon right now and it’s in it’s waxing phase right now (which I learned about because Paul is so into the moon/space). So it’s really fun to see how it changes from night to night.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
I love reading about you loving your body! And that you listed your bed as a prized possession. I often say to Steven (while in bed) “I love our bed” and he just kind of laughs at me.
Congrats on the comment from your boss!
The prettiest thing I saw today was the sunrise, even though it was from the Walmart parking lot LOL.
Aw, this is such a great list! The prettiest thing I saw today… my kids standing together at the Christmas tree lot, with the blue sky behind them. All my favorite things in one scene!
I would have a hard time answering #7. Not that I’m not grateful… but I don’t look in the mirror very much. At my face and hair- yes, briefly to make sure nothing is drastically wrong before I leave the house. ButI don’t even own a full-length mirror- I’m pretty positive I couldn’t look at my body in a mirror and not think negative thoughts, so I’ve learned over the years to avoid doing that. Maybe that’s dysfunctional but it’s my best coping mechanism right now!
I absolutely love your answer to #7.
The prettiest thing I saw today? Probably my daughter’s face, because she’s gorgeous. I enjoyed the beautiful leaves on my morning walk, and I was very happy to see a kind woman who lives in our neighborhood. I haven’t seen her in a long time, it was nice to stop and chat for a few minutes.
I liked all of your answers and pictures!
Well, it is morning so that only leaves the answer to be my husband. We. had sunshine yesterday too and it felt so good on my face. I wanted to go outside for a walk but couldn’t manage to find the motivation. Today it is dreary and wet again.
This is such a great list! I see too many pretty things every day to just list one but I guess I’ll say the view!
I am so jealous of the LASIK – I want to try it so badly but am too terrified.
Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!!!