Oh, I don’t want to write about this week. I really don’t.
It was a bad week, from start to finish. I didn’t open my tracker once. I was half-hearted in exercising. My cravings hit me hard and fast. And my motivation waned. Already! It’s only my second week back on Weight Watchers. How am I already struggling to stay on plan?
I’ve taken a different approach this time around. I’m not making crazy plans for exercise or things I will never eat again. I’ve tried that before and it doesn’t work for me. It just makes the cravings hit harder, the excuses seem more plausible, and my downfall to be more imminent. But this weight-loss-living-a-healthier-lifestyle-thing is hard. It’s really hard. And while I don’t feel like you should completely resist every craving, I do think there’s a lot to be said when you resist the ones that are just your former life pulling you back rather than a true craving.
This was not my best week. Not by a long shot. But I know I’m going to have weeks like this. Everyone does. I need to take the mistakes from this week and grow from them, not repeat them.
Weigh-In: Second week in and already a gain on the scale. Up 1 lb this week which is disappointing and disheartening. But all I can do is move on from here, recognize my mistakes, and strive to do better.
Exercise Completed:
Friday: I took a rest day since I woke up with horrible knee pain. No idea what brought it on but it was just a dull ache by the afternoon and completely gone by Saturday. Very weird!
Saturday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1 (25 minutes), stationary bike (30 minutes)
Sunday: Took another rest day, mainly due to laziness than anything else.
Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1 (25 minutes).
Tuesday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1 (25 minutes).
Wednesday: Rest day. Also due to laziness.
Thursday: 30 Day Shred, Level 2 (25 minutes).
I really want to get some other workouts in during the week, in addition to my 30 Day Shred challenge but it didn’t really happen this week. But the Shred is still kicking my butt and making me whine to Jillian, “But it’s so haaaaard!” so at least I’m getting that in.
Splurge/Guilty Pleasure: Ugh. Way too many. Peanut M&M’s on Friday, a fruity alcoholic beverage on Saturday, Chick-Fil-A on Saturday afternoon and Wednesday night… just to name a few splurges. Splurges are good, of course, but there comes a point where you have to resist the urge to indulge. It’s not always necessary and sometimes, much better for your state of mind to resist.
Successes: The only success I can see is that I tried to remain on plan as best I could this week. Even when I knew I screwed up this weigh-in, I still tried to get back on track with my eating.
Recipe: This week, I tried another Skinny Taste recipe. My mom and I have been in a food rut for a long time now, eating the same meals over and over again, so it’s been fun to actually get in the kitchen and try out some new dishes! I made Skinny Taste’s Skinny Sloppy Joe on Monday night and it was actually really good! It was a little too tomato-y for my tastes (probably because I put in the whole 8oz can of tomato paste instead of the 2 tablespoons that the recipe called for… Oops.) but it was still yummy. But since I put in too much tomato paste, it drove the points up to 6 instead of 3. I bought some rolls from the bakery that I toasted and served it open-faced.
The serving size is pretty big (it overflowed on my two buns) and it fills you up! It’s a good recipe, but I’m not sure we loved it enough to try it again.
I really liked the 30 Day Shred and I noticed a difference when I was doing it. I stopped at Day 16 because Half training started. I should probably keep it up though, because I’m terrible at getting in strength training. Maybe you’ll keep me motivated? I just don’t know how I could possibly do both. Ugh, time is the enemy!
Hang in there, Stephany. It IS hard, but I think it’s great that you recognize your weaknesses and always look for ways to improve.
I love how short the 30 Day Shred is compared to her other DVD’s because it’s just 25 minutes. WHAM BAM. Done. And it’s such a good workout that it doesn’t feel like you *only* worked out for 25 minutes. She works you out hard! Maybe try to fit it in 2 times a week, if you can? It would be a great way to cross-train!
Girl, I know it’s disappointing, but don’t sweat that 1 pound! Muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe you’re just gaining muscle? And besides, you’re sticking to The Shred, and that’s something I’ve never been able to do! Hang in there, it will get easier, and you’ll see bigger results!
You know what, don’t beat yourself up. Last week I had an increase on the scale too, for whatever reason (probably the Mexican food I ate twice and the margarita I had). Just keep going. Like you I cannot make crazy plans to exercise and not eat certain things because if I mess up, mentally I’m beat. I do schedule my workouts (have to because it is a class I take), but I am not really making food rules. I know it is not something I can commit to for the rest of my life. Anyway. Calling Jillian Michaels terrible names really helps 😛
Name-calling Jillian helps so much! I think the whole key to this thing is realizing we’re not doing it for a set amount of time. It’s not UNTIL we lose the weight, it’s the rest of our life. And we can’t make these huge, grand changes and cut all our favorite foods out of our life because we won’t be able to stick to it that way. That’s what I’m trying to remember.
Thanks so much for the support! It means a lot. 🙂
Blah, bad weeks suck! I’m a sucker for cravings too, but sometimes you just have to show yourself some tough love & remind yourself that you just can’t splurge every day! But you’re learning and you can’t take everything away from yourself all at once. Keep at it, you’ll figure out exactly what you need to be happy & to lose the weight you want. 😀
Also I’m really sorry I haven’t e-mailed you back, I’ve just been too busy! 🙁 I really wanted to get back to you before I leave for the beach for a week because I may not have internet, it’s just been a bit of a whirlwind last few days. Expect a lengthy email of SOME sort EVENTUALLY. I promise it’s length will make up for how freaking long I’m taking. Ha 🙂
Keep up with your diet progress, girly! I know you’ll find the motivation you need. Just remember why you’re doing it in the first place. You wanna feel GOOD.
I’m trying to remember to take baby steps. I don’t have to exercise 6 days a week for an hour each time. I’m not going to keep at this if I make all my favorite foods off-limits. I need to relearn portion control, moderation, and sticking to my plan. And I need to remember that there is no end goal. Yes, I want to do this to lose weight and be more comfortable in my skin but I also want this to be my new lifestyle.
Mmmm. Sloppy Joes!
Go, Stephany, go!
Don’t be too hard on yourself… That is a great week of exercising! When I did the 30-day shred a couple months ago, I wasn’t doing it every day. I did it 4-5 times a week (sometimes doing two levels in a row if I felt up to it), and I was alternating the levels rather than doing ten days of each level. I actually lost maybe 1 lb the entire time, but I lost inches! (I could wear old jeans again!) If I were you, I’d measure inches.
Also, my mom did the 30-day shred and the 6-week body makeover a while back and lost over 30 lbs. The 6-week body makeover seemed to work for her because she could still eat potatoes and things like that (in moderation). They send you a package with recipes and they base what you can eat on your body size… It’s not a one-size fits all diet, so I think that’s why it works so well! Just a suggestion if you get discouraged with this diet. 🙂
I meant to measure my inches before I started but I didn’t so now I’m halfway into it and I just have never gotten around to it. My eating wasn’t great this week so I know that played a part in the gain.
I’m really trying to make this a lifestyle change, something I do for the rest of my life. Not until I lose the weight, no end goal, just making baby steps and healthy choices every day to get me to that healthy lifestyle I crave.
Well, you made up for any of the disappointments you may feel by posting a quote from “A League of Their Own”. : )
Don’t beat yourself over the past week, although I know that is easier said than done. We all have off weeks. The Shred really helped me after I had my second baby. It was all I really had time to do and when I look back at pictures and think about it, it really did help, even if I couldn’t see it then. Each day is a new day. Hang in there!
Just keep working, Steph. You’ll get there! Consistency is not my best friend, either, so I know exactly how you feel.
I am definitely wary of that wall I will undoubtedly hit any moment now… when I turn that corner and just decide it isn’t worth it anymore! So know you are NOT alone and that is the best part about this! We are all here doing it with you and facing the same struggles and decisions. You did great on your workouts – I’ve never tried Jillian but to be honest, she scares the living daylights out of me. 🙁
That Skinny Taste recipe does sound really yummy and we are big fans of sloppy joes at our house. 🙂 I will have to try that one!
Chin up Steph! xoxo
Jillian is super tough, but she’s totally worth it! I get so much out of her workouts and she always has someone doing modifications to help out those of us who aren’t as fit as her. 🙂 It’s just 25 minutes and it feels like an hour, which I like because then I feel like I got in a fab workout!
Have you taken your measurements so you can see if you’re losing inches, even when the scale isn’t moving? I did the Shred last summer and didn’t see the scale move much but I lost inches.
You’re doing awesome with your exercise! Way to go!!
I didn’t take my measurements before I started, which I should have because I lost some great inches the last time I did the Shred but not a lot of weight. I know I should do that, just have never gotten around to it!
I loved this quote: “It’s not always necessary and sometimes, much better for your state of mind to resist.”
I’m already struggling too. I think it’s completely normal. Just keep on keeping on — that’s why we all have each other!
One of my favorite things about this is knowing I’m not the only one struggling. Sometimes, this whole weight loss thing can be so tough when it feels like everyone around you GETS IT and you don’t.
Thanks so much for the support, Lauren!
We all had our bad weeks! And a gain of a pound is really not too bad! So don’t beat yourself up too much. Hopefully you put this week before you and started fresh. That is what I liked best about WW – you start over every week and can leave what happened behind.
That recipe sounds good! I love sloppy joes (although my family calls them barbeques). Have you ever seen tomato paste in a tube? I highly recommend it as recipes rarely call for an entire can of tomato paste!
I really love the WW program because it is really easy to succeed. You just have to be consistent and want it! I just need to get my head back in the game.
I’ve never seen tomato paste in the tube. The small can was, like, a dollar so it wasn’t too bad. Just maybe wasteful?
We all have our rough weeks, Steph. You’ll get back on track.
Maybe you had a gain and didn’t feel on track with your eating, but you exercised 4/7 days. That’s a huge success. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t get too caught up in “I just started this and feel like I’m failing.” Because the truth is whether you’re restarting WW or doing the #cbdiet, none of this is measured by weeks on program. It’s your life, and you’re living it in a healthier way. Big picture, that’s all that matters.
Your comment really made me think this weekend. Sometimes, I think I do measure things on a weekly basis. And I want to catch up to everyone else and be perfect like them. And I’m not. I struggle a lot and this whole healthy living journey is the hardest thing I’ve ever faced. But I just have to remember to take baby steps and cut myself some slack. Beating myself up isn’t going to help, but picking myself up and learning from my mistakes will.
Thanks for the support, Amanda. Much appreciated. 🙂