Another week has passed, which means it’s time for another collection of FIGs. As a reminder, Elisabeth started the initiative so we could find some positivity in a hard time. The F.I.G. Collective stands for Finding Joy in Gratitude.
Saturday, February 15
Today was a great day. I had book club – we started at a bagel shop and then meandered over to the Little Words Project to make bracelets. This was so much fun! I chose the word “power.” I want to always remember that I am powerful and have the power to make changes in my life. Nobody can take that from me. Other words that my friends chose: rising, choose, breathe, and resilient. It was a very positive and uplifting morning! Afterward, we found a picnic table outside where we talked about the book we read this month (Good Material by Dolly Alderton) and then chose our book and activity for next month!
After book club, Mikaela and I did our weekly writing date at a nearby cafe and I made some good progress on my podcast outlines. Then, I went home and took a blessed two-hour nap.
Sunday, February 16
Bri and I recorded podcast episodes today and it was so nice to be back in the “studio” (aka, Bri’s home office) and chit-chatting with her. It was a great time, and afterward, her husband made us dinner! Another bright spot of today was getting my nose re-pierced – I am so happy to have my nose piercing back and I hope I can keep it in for good this time. (I had to take out my nose piercing when I started using my CPAP machine in September. The piercing pressed against the mask and made things super uncomfortable. I had a hoop piercing at that time and I’m hoping the stud piercing will fare better.)
Monday, February 17
I had President’s Day off for the first time, which was such a delight! I was able to take care of some errands (washing and vacuuming my car and doing my weekly grocery shop) and then I came home, did a little blog work, ate lunch, and took a beautiful 3-hour nap. It was so nice! I also started working on installing the floating bookshelves in my bedroom. By started, I mean that I opened up the box, pulled out all of the pieces, and put together one of the bookshelves. (I didn’t hang it up, just screwed together two pieces to make one shelf.) Progress is progress, right?!
Tuesday, February 18
Today was a hard day for many reasons, but Facetiming with my mom was a bright spot. I called her around 9 a.m. to tell her I needed to complain for a bit, which she was happy to let me do, and then we talked twice in the evening. There is nothing that fills me with more joy than seeing her name pop up on my phone!
Wednesday, February 19
I was really nervous about a meeting all day long and it wound up going really well! I had to be somewhat of an “expert” on the call and I’m always worried they’re going to throw me a question that I should be able to easily answer but can’t for whatever reason. Plus, I struggle with word retrieval at times so I just made sure to have my notes ready to reference, but I didn’t really need them!
My other FIG of the day was my HIIT class. I felt so much stronger and more limber thanks to warming up my body beforehand!
Thursday, February 20
Such a fun mail day!
I received a postcard from Julie.
I received my February box from Book of the Month.
And I received my supplements!
Friday, February 21
I got to snuggle with Lila today while we waited in an exam room for the vet. It was a standard annual appointment, but I did find out that this chonk is 16 whole pounds. !!! I must start working on a diet plan for her, ugh.
I also took a delightful nap today, enjoyed a hot bubble bath, and sat on the couch watching TV and coloring in my coloring book. A very low-key, easy Friday!
What word would you have chosen for a bracelet like the one above?
Oooooh Famous Last Words! I cannot wait to read that!
Like you, I called my mom this week when I was having a hard time, and it was so helpful. We are so lucky, Stephany, to have these relationships with our moms! I love how close you are with your mom and hope that my kiddo and I will be similarly close when she is an adult.
I am so glad you’re able to reach out to your mom when you’re having a rough day! There is something so special about that relationship, and I have a good feeling Carla will have the same one with you when she’s older. <3
The bracelet is pretty, rather delicate. I’d have chosen the word SMOOTH because that’s what I keep reminding myself to be. My way of making sure I don’t overreact to the chaos that’s going on in our world while feeling empowered to keep moving forward.
Oh, smooth is such a good word! I haven’t been wearing the bracelet a ton (because I just hate wearing bracelets, lol), but it’s pretty sturdy!
I love your bracelet! It would be hard to choose one word, but I suppose Calm would be my word—to remind me to stay calm.
Calm is a great one! I was noodling over that one, too. Maybe if I go back, I’ll choose that word next. 😉
I pondered what word I would choose on my walk with Hannah today. I think I’d go with laugh. I feel like I need more levity in my life most days!
Awww, I love that. What a great word!
My word is PEACE. I feel like it covers all bases. Peace in my heart, peace in relationships, peace in my community, peace in the world.
I’m sorry that Tuesday was a hard day, and I hope things are getting better.
Peace is great! That would be a great word to go with “power” if I ever decide to do another bracelet.
I have no idea what word I would choose…
Savour?? (YES, with a “U”!)
I mean, gratitude would be VERY fitting, especially after this month!
I love your bracelet! I like how delicate it is and I love the word that you chose. I think it’s especially meaningful these days as I think a lot of of us feel powerless. But we do have power.
We have similar vet appointments for Oscar. I think she topped out at 14 1/2 pounds limiting her food to a quarter cup in the morning and evening seems to have helped that said she hasn’t had a vet appointment in over a year because Phil could not get her in a carrier this fall so we’re figuring out if we can find an in-home vet to come to his mom‘s house.
Lila hides under the couch anytime anyone else is in my apartment (aside from my mom), so I don’t know if an in-home vet would be a good option for Lila. Ugh! I wish – that would make things so easy. At least she’s an ANGEL at the vet. She even purrs for her! Little stinker.
I might choose FIG as my word! First, to remind me to find little joys, and second to remind me of our incredible blogging community. I love Elisabeth’s project and how everyone has responded so enthusiastically.
So many fun bookish things here- books in the mail and book club! I love Julie’s postcard, and that photo of Lila… glad you made it through the trip to the vet unscathed!
Jenny, I LOVE THIS! What a perfect word. Now if we ever have a big blogger get-together, I want us to get bracelets with this word.
Love that bracelet-making activity! I have no idea what word I’d choose for that, or for any other inspiration-related jewelry. I’ve seen some options on Instagram for necklaces and have been tempted. I think I would go for “Strong” or “Courage” but… yeah, not sure. Your choice is perfect for you, though!
And so many good things here – friends, podcast return, naps, a successful visit to the vet (you GOT HER THERE = success in my book…diet is secondary…). Hugs, friend. We all need these glimmers in our lives – so thanks for sharing yours.
Finding a postcard in your mail box is the best. I was lucky to have one from Julie myself. I need to return the favor at some point.
Your book club outing sounds lovely again. I an almost jealous I am not part of it.