It’s the final week of The F.I.G. Collective! I am a bit sad to see this gratitude challenge come to an end because it was such a good practice of sitting down at the end of every day and reflecting on the moments of goodness and light in an otherwise dark time. A very special thanks to Elisabeth for hosting, and I hope we do it again soon!
Saturday, February 22
Today started off on a high note: I went to the gym and had a really great workout. I climbed 150 stairs on the stair climber in 5-and-a-half minutes and didn’t feel like I was dying afterward. And then I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike while streaming a show on my phone.
And then things got drastically worse. As I was pulling out of my parking space in the very busy parking lot, I misjudged the space and clipped the rear bumper of the car next to me. Ugh, I felt like such an idiot! Ruby got a little scratched up but I didn’t see too much damage on the other car. Still, I left a note on the driver’s windshield and now I’m dealing with that headache.
Anyway, I felt like shit for most of the day but in the evening, I got together with my mom, my brother, and my younger nephew for game night. It was a great night! We had pizza, played a few games, and enjoyed cake and ice cream to celebrate my nephew’s birthday (which was the day before – he turned 10!).
Sunday, February 23
I had a lovely day with my mom! We went to yoga class, out for brunch, and then to Trader Joe’s. I wanted to get some freezer/easy meals to have on hand for those nights when I don’t feel like cooking or didn’t meal plan correctly. This way, I won’t have to resort to UberEats! I don’t go to Trader Joe’s too often (the parking lot sucks and it’s always so busy) but I love stocking up on some fave items every now and then!
Monday, February 24
My day started in the sweetest way: I found out that one of my writers had to start paternity leave a week early! His wife had their baby over the weekend and he sent me the cutest photo of the little nugget. (My writer is a huge baseball fan and somehow got the baby’s first footprint on a baseball!)
Other good parts of today: a delicious meal (thanks, Birchie, for the inspo!), starting an audiobook that I was immediately drawn into, changing out my Valentine’s decorations for St. Patrick’s Day (I only have a few things, but it adds a fun touch to my home), and a 30-minute power nap on the couch.
Tuesday, February 25
I had a lovely evening! My plan was to go to the library to hang out with two of my friends and their kids. On my way there, one of the friends texted that her kiddo was complaining of a headache and could I stop somewhere and pick up Children’s Tylenol? Otherwise, she’d need to battle Walgreens with two kids (one of which wasn’t feeling well). I was more than happy to oblige, and this reminded me how good it is to ask for help because it makes the other person feel so good to deliver it! I felt like a superhero!
Our library date was wonderful. We hung out in the children’s section and I did a scavenger hunt with the big kiddo and then we played a few Bluey-branded games, which was fun! The kids were good sports and nobody got their feelings hurt (not even when we ended one of the games early because the children’s area was closing). Oh! And the big kiddo gave me a Valentine she made for me, which made my heart fully explode.
Wednesday, February 26
I had a really great HIIT workout tonight! My mom couldn’t make it and I’m always sad when my favorite workout buddy isn’t there, but I got through it on my own okay! I joked with my trainer a lot and felt like I was able to power through some of the circuits more than I usually can. Those warm-ups are working!
Also, tonight was the premiere of Survivor 48! I love this show so much, and I’m so glad it’s back.
Thursday, February 27
A lot of little moments of figgy happiness today: A meeting getting canceled, freshly laundered sheets, Eloise being super cuddly and barely leaving my side, lots of Lila snuggles in the morning while I was waking up, making a simple but delicious dinner, really nice weather, and a very dramatic episode of The Traitors.
Friday, February 28
The last FIG (at least for now?)! I met up with my brother to drop off my younger nephew’s birthday present and we had a nice little chit-chat. He was mostly venting about some of the stuff he’s going through with his kids, but I was happy to be a listening ear for him!
Another really great moment today was when I laid down on the couch with my books, put on an ASMR room on YouTube on my TV, and set a timer for an hour. I was able to zoom through 110 pages in that time, which made me feel very accomplished after not reading much this week.
Tell me a little moment of joy from your day today!
So much FIG this week! First of all, if it helps you are not the only one among us who has dented a fender. That’s what insurance is for. Nom on the beef and potatoes meal – I’m planning to make that tomorrow night for Sunday dinner. You were doing God’s work when you stopped by Walgreen’s for tylenol – and I think you know that is not a phrase that I use often. I love it when someone asks me to do a small task that is easy for me and a lifesaver for them.
I just got up, so my FIG is that it’s snowing and Doggo is here for it. She had a blast when we went outside, and now she’s curled up by the back door with a chew toy and she’s watching the snow.
My stair climb is tomorrow! On the way home I’ll be stopping by TJ’s to load up on a bunch of goodies. Their frozen meal selection was pretty lean the last time that I went, so I’m hoping that they have some new stuff in stock.