As you well know, I’m pretty open on my blog. I talk about a variety of topics, ranging from weight struggles to religion. I don’t play it safe most times and I really try to let you see my heart through my postings. But there are certain topics I will not talk about on my blog, the unbloggables. (And yes, it is a word!)
- Family. While I’ll celebrate the good times with my family through blog posts, I will never air our dirty laundry to the blog world. I think it’s distasteful and when it comes to extended family, I don’t feel like it’s my story to tell. I have learned from hard experience that airing your family’s dirty laundry is never a good idea.
- Work. I work at a preschool where I’m legally obligated to live by the axiom, “What happens at preschool, stays at preschool.” While I would love to show you pictures of these sweet munchkins who have completely captivated my heart, I can’t. And while sometimes I need a place to vent about workplace strife, I won’t. This is not the place for that.
- Internship. I try to be as discreet as possible when I do talk about my internship, never fully delving into exactly where I work or the kind of work I do. A lot of it has to be kept in-house. Again, not the place.
- TMI stuff. I don’t really enjoy reading TMI postings, especially sexual exploits and the like. There’s not too much happening in my life that would involve a TMI post, anyway. Unless we want to talk about having to go to the bathroom during the middle of a run or that very special time of the month. Not happening.
- Politics. The big reason why I don’t talk about politics on this blog is that I feel so uneducated on the subject. I know talking about politics can bring the ugly out in some people and, honestly, my heart can’t take it. I take things way too personally so mean comments would destroy me. Plus, I like Obama and I’m not of the mind that bashing our president is helpful.
What are some of YOUR unbloggables? Does your list look anything like mine?
I don't really blog about politics either. I have pretty strong opinions on my stance, but I feel like politics is a sensitive subject for some. I don't see the need to hurt feelings or turn people away. I also don't blog about the bad times my Huns and I may have. We all know relationships aren't perfect and it's not fair for me to only give my side of the argument. Even though I'm usually the one who is right. :o)
I don't blog about work, well I mention it here and there. I am with you on feeling uneducated to discuss politics. I will say this though, I'm not a fan of Obama yet I feel that anyone who accepts the responsibility of president has a LOT on their plate and shoulders so I HATE when people bash the president…Republican, Democrat, Alien, whatever…so rude-how would you like to have the whole nation knocking on your door!!!
I try not to blog about family either, including my husband. If it's something I wouldn't want them to see, I don't blog it.
I also don't talk about my job much because my blog is not really the place.
Faith and politics, and family "dirty laundry" as you put it. I feel I'm too new to my faith and still exploring, and it's something very personal to me – and sadly there are a lot of people on the Internet that would judge because of it. Politics for the same reason as you – I'm not very educated on it! And family stuff, because there are some things the whole world doesn't need to know.
I always respect people's unbloggables. I am pretty open on my blog but again, there are some things that I won't ever share on my blog because I think its important to keep some things private. I've been more careful in the past year or so, but am still for the most part pretty open.
Like you, airing dirty laundry about family is a big one.
Also, dirty laundry about my relationship with Dustin is another. Even if we've just had a big blow out fight I normally won't say anything about it, or if I do I will majorly downplay it.
And I suppose politics, religion… all that heavy stuff. I'm not entirely religious but I am fairly political minded however I prefer to not air that out on my blog.
Otherwise… I'm a fairly open book!
For me it would be…. Extended Family, I do talk about my family and small quirks of them, but nothing into my uncles, cousins, grandparents..cause I could really get into but..yeah.
Work because I know my co-workers have read my blog, and will come ask me questions…so i refuse to say anything other than generics. I have said,people from my church read my blog and I need to make sure I'm not talking my faith higher than I'm living it.
I do get into politics on my blog, just cause everyone in real life is afraid to talk about it. So i have to get it out some where! But even still i'm discrete about it. 🙂
Sometimes I am DYING to blog about my families dirty laundry, but don't, because I know it will come back to bite me!
I'm not ignoring your email! Today is going to be slow at work, so I plan on devoting time to it at some point today!
Have a great Tuesday, love! XO
I'm trying to think if I have any unbloggables.
I've blogged about work stuff, but always at least six months removed with names, dates, and facts slightly changed to obscure it. And never anything that would jeopardize my job or my clients. I've definitely complained about working for spoiled parents though.
I don't tend to air dirty laundry, it's caused me problems in the past. But, I maintain that my blog is my blog, I have the right to talk about what I wish, I just try and consider other's feelings at the same time.
Politics and religion are fair game with me. I have strong opinions on both. While I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, I do want to express what I feel about certain issues.
Now, since my husband works for the government I have learned to be even more circumspect, but I certainly don't blog about anything personal to the two of us.
I guess I don't have any hard or fast rules, just guidelines that can be shaped as I see fit.
I think boundaries are always helpful. For me, I keep my blog anonymous, so I never give away anything too personal (name, friend's names, job, etc.). And even though I talk about the ins and outs of my past relationship, there are things I won't share publicly, anonymous or not. I think we have to protect ourselves and those around us. And I have to keep myself in check–would I be sharing something just to try to hurt SCL? If so, it's better that I work through that elsewhere rather than on a public site.
I think these are good rules to stick by. I completely agree with what you laid out. I try not to talk about friends or family issues and really even personal issues.
These do look like my unbloggables. Oh family's dirty laundry…never a good idea it will come back to haunt you. ( Not that I have done it. Really I haven't. ) Work..I'm not currently working but when I did work I said a few things here and there…I was pretty vague and it was all positive. Politics- I would just make myself look stupid lol. TMI- I am still on the fence on this one..I haven't shared too much TMI blogs but there are some that could be entertaining… ( this does involve running and the bathroom as you mentioned lol )
I am a preschool teacher, too, and of course share your views. I do have to admit, however, that I HAVE SO complained and whined on my blog about my job:( Hope no one from work is reading!
I don't blog about family challenges that I have… mostly because my family all reads my blog! Ha!
I don't blog about work stuff, or if i do, I am extremely cryptic because I don't feel comfortable writing about my job. Plus I know the stuff that bugs me is not all that interesting to my readers!
Yeah, I stay away from sex/body issues – although lord knows sometimes I just need a PMS fuelled rant.
Same wiht politics – not informed enough nor do I care. There are too many of those blogs already, many by journos or wanna journos.
I talk a lot about the office and money, but I try not to get too specific about work stuff.
I have a post coming up where I allude to my past issues with my family, but I don't go into too much detail.
Most of your unbloggables are mine as well. I don't delve into politics, work, or anything that would qualify as TMI. I also don't air dirty laundry about family. While I might admit that my husband and I have our ups and downs, I don't go into detail about arguments or anything that would hurt him if he read about it. The same goes for any of my family members and friends. If I write for venting purposes, it's never something that's published on my blog. I don't really mention my religion or finances often, either. (Geez, this list made me wonder if there is anything I DO bog about…lol!)
I've been very vague about the history of my husband and me, but it's something I'm considering taking off the list of unbloggables!
This is a great post. I would never talk politics on my blog as well and never ever touch TMI stuff. I think that's just inappropriate. Thanks for sharing this :). It got me thinking about my unbloggables!
I used to blog about pretty much everything, personal or no. However, not too long ago, I went back through all my blog posts and erased anything I posted about my job and my family. I realized that it was wrong to talk so harshly of my family on my personal space to which anyone had access. I feel a lot better about it now, because I think it shows in me that I'm growing and realizing things I didn't consider or show concern for before.
I agree with these. While I'll mention my family, I try to leave out details of their lives. For one, that has gotten me in trouble before and for two, it is their life and their privacy, not mine. I've chosen to talk about my life and writing about them would not give them the choice. And although J doesn't really care, I limit what I say about him as well. And I'm with you on the politics. Not educated enough. 🙂
I make an overall attempt not to be too personal on my blog. Sure, there are moments where that's unavoidable and I can easily talk about things that affect me and only me. But much else? Well, I strive to say very little. I want my blog to be something I can add to my resume (it's already on there actually), so there's a fine line sometimes between what I can and can't say. But that's something I created and decided, so I'm completely fine with it.
I agree with these. While I'll mention my family, I try to leave out details of their lives. For one, that has gotten me in trouble before and for two, it is their life and their privacy, not mine. I've chosen to talk about my life and writing about them would not give them the choice. And although J doesn't really care, I limit what I say about him as well. And I'm with you on the politics. Not educated enough. 🙂
This is a great post. I would never talk politics on my blog as well and never ever touch TMI stuff. I think that's just inappropriate. Thanks for sharing this :). It got me thinking about my unbloggables!