As I mentioned on Tuesday, I’m in the process of re-categorizing and re-tagging my blog posts. My categories and tagging methods were a bit of a mess. But out of this process, I’ve stumbled upon some fun blog posts I’ve done in the past that I want to revisit. They’re the perfect type of posts for when you don’t really have the time or desire for a longer post. I did a “3 Things Thursday” (inspired by Lisa) almost a full year ago, and I think it’s about time I did another one. Enjoy!
Three confessions:
1. I love Daylight Saving Time. Love it. I mean, sure it sucks that it’s darker in the morning (which means waking up is a bit more difficult!), but having more daylight hours? So worth it.
2. I am a supremely picky eater. A lot of my friends (lovingly) make fun of me about it. I’m just not very adventurous when it comes to eating, and I’m not a foodie by any means. I love food, but I don’t have a sophisticated palate at all.
3. When I’m writing at work, sometimes I need to listen to music to drown out the conversations happening around me. My favorite Spotify playlist to listen to is Epic Film Scores for Studying. It makes writing about home improvement very dramatic!
Three things that made me happy this week:
1. Girl’s night out that included Mexican food and margaritas. Can’t go wrong with that!
2. Dutch feeling better! He’s not limping anymore, but we are still keeping his walks short and carrying him up and down the stairs.
3. Writing for a new client that is much different than what I usually write about. It’s stretching my brain in a totally new way, and I’ve learned so much!
Three books I’m reading next:
1. In the Blood by Lisa Unger
2. The Guy Not Taken by Jennifer Weiner
3. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Three movies I haven’t seen (that everyone else has):
1. The Hangover
2. Forrest Gump
3. Coming to America
Three of the latest podcasts I subscribed to:
1. Criminal
2. Happier with Gretchen Rubin
3. Dear Sugar Radio
Three things I’m looking forward to:
1. My Savannah weekend (15 days!)
2. A girl’s day in Orlando with Emilie in April
3. My 7th cruise! (65 days!)
Three apps I love:
1. Cuptakes (for fun wallpapers for my phone!)
2. Period Tracker (because I have funky cycles and this helps me keep track of them) (Sorry for the TMI)
3. Panera Bread (I love this for when I use the Rapid Pick-Up. Select my meal, pay with my fingerprint, and zip over to the restaurant, where it’s waiting for me almost immediately. So convenient for lunch when I’m at work!)
Three words I’d use to describe myself:
1. Introspective
2. Reserved
3. Hard-working
Three things I’m doing this weekend:
1. Looking at apartments with Bri
2. Working on my fiction novel
3. Playing laser tag with some friends
What made you happy this week? What movie have you not seen that you feel everyone else in the world has?
Oh fun! This is a great post idea – I might need to steal it! I am so glad that Dutch is feeling better! I know how worried you were about him! And I am also LOVING DLS. I wish it was always DLS time, I hate switching back in the fall. I just love having more hours of evening daylight. I don’t love walking to work in the dark but I’ll take that over it getting dark earlier in the evening.
Let’s see, things making me happy this week are the beautiful spring weather we’ve had, going for my first run with Phil since the fall, and running with my club last night. There are several movies that everyone has seen that I haven’t – like Star Wars, the 40 year old Virgin, and Caddyshack.
Laser tag sounds fun! I have never tried it; I can’t wait to hear how you feel about it. I always thought I would like that or paintball, although paintball hurts a lot more (or so I’ve heard).
Things that made me happy this week were the book the Nightingale, which I stayed up late last night reading, and good news from a couple of friends. A movie that I haven’t seen that everyone thinks is weird is the Godfather series, Dirty Dancing and Patton (this is from the old guys at work). I also have not really seen very many of the movies that have come out in the last few years.
I am the SAME way with eating. It’s why I never eat at fancy restaurants… all the food is so complicated and there’s all these sauces. Why can’t I just have a burger and fries?
Me too! The BF get so annoyed at my pickiness. I’m sorry. This is me!
So fun! I love this post idea so I’ll be saving it for a week when I’m not feeling very inspired to write. I love DST too! I have been struggling big time with waking up but I don’t even care, it’s worth it to have it be light out until 7pm. It’s done wonders for my mood. I’m so glad you shared the Period Tracker app! I always worry about being TMI when I talk about that too but it’s no different than talking about any other medical thing, right? I just went off birth control so I’ve been manually tracking in my planner because I’m expecting to be all wonky for a while but this sounds a lot easier. Also, SO SO SO excited for our date in April! I cannot wait!!
Three things making me happy: sunshine, warmer weather, and finally running outside after a ridiculously long and brutal winter. I have not seen any of the Star Wars or Indiana Jones movies, or Zoolander. I really don’t care to see any of them, either!
I have never, ever seen Titanic. EVER. So many people look at me like i’m nuts-o when I tell them that, but it’s true.
Things that made me happy this week, so far: shaving 2 minutes off of my circuit workout that I’ve been doing 3x a week for the last month. Getting to hold my friends’ newborn baby!
Being home this week has made me extremely happy! I missed hanging out with my kiddo, and with the gorgeous weather we’ve had this week, I’ve just been over the moon.
I have never watched Dumb & Dumber. This rock I live under is nice 😉
Also – Isla was watching your Instagram ticker and was “Oohing and Ahhing” over the photos of Dutch & your new nephew!
There are a lot of movies I haven’t see… the Godfather trilogy is the first thing that comes to mind but that’s maybe not so unusual. Out of the 3 you listed, I’ve only seen Forest Gump (and it really is an amazing movie and one you need to see).
Haaa! The second tweet really cracks me up! I remember those days of texting. Lol!
Just downloaded the first three episodes of Happier! I LOVE podcasts so much and have been wanting to read Gretchen Rubin’s new book Happier at Home!
LOL that tweet about texting is hilarious! I remember those days.
I love the Panera app, too. I think all restaurants should have an app like that. *cough* Chipotle *cough*