Hi, friends! Happy Thursday. Today, I thought I’d do another Three Things Thursday post, which is becoming one of my favorite series to do. It’s fun to come up with the categories and fill them in! Feel free to steal and do it on your own blog (I certainly did not come up with this idea, haha).
Three confessions
- I’ve become very lazy with my skincare routine lately. I was doing so well for so many months! But in the last few weeks, I’ve just stopped being so diligent. The good news is, I’m running out of products less frequently!
- Whenever I see Eloise and Lila doing something together (sleeping together, playing together, or even when they just give each other that “hey girl” nose bump) it gets me all sappy inside. I did that! I gave them this relationship. I love that they love each other—it makes my heart grow ten sizes.
- I am the worst at responding to Instagram comments. Maybe it’s because I don’t spend a ton of time on Instagram? I have a 30-minute time limit that I try my best to adhere to and I turned off push notifications for likes/comments on posts. So I have to manually check for likes/comments, which I forget to do, which means I sometimes don’t see comments until days afterward. Maybe I need to turn on push notifications for comments at least!
Three things I’m doing this weekend
- Getting a massage – I haven’t had a massage in over two months and my body needs this.
- Attending Olive’s “no more chemo” party – Yayyyy! I can’t wait to celebrate Olive being done with cancer treatment.
- Flying to Chicago! – My mom and I leave on Sunday afternoon to spend four days in Chicago. Hopefully, Tropical Storm Fred doesn’t cause any chaos for us!
Three books I recently bought
- Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style by Benjamin Dreyer
- Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger by Rebecca Traister
- A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
Three work-related Google searches I made today
I tried to select some of the more, shall we say, interesting Google searches I made today, which is easy to do when I spent the whole day writing about rare medical conditions.
- “What do you call the uterus and prostate together?” (I was looking for an overarching term for these organs, but wasn’t sure if the prostate was considered part of the reproductive system. Answer: It is!)
- “How does the pelvic floor work” (I wrote a page about pelvic floor disorders and learned a lot about the pelvic floor. I had no idea it did so many things!)
- “Are congestion and stuffy nose the same thing” (The answer is yes. Why these two symptoms are often written separately is beyond me!)
Three movies I want to watch soon
- Get Out – I’ve wanted to see this movie for so long, but I just never have because scary movies aren’t my thing. Hopefully soon!
- The Martian – After I mentioned how much I loved the book The Martian, a bunch of you implored me to watch the movie since it’s a fantastic adaptation. I promise I will!
- The Count of Monte Cristo – Since I just finished the book, I want to give the movie a try someday. I don’t know if it’s any good, but it would be fun to see it all come to life on screen.
Three of my most-used apps yesterday
- Happy Color (46 minutes)
- Overcast (42 minutes)
- Marco Polo (35 minutes)
Three things that made me happy this week
- Finishing The Count of Monte Cristo – It was so satisfying to finish this book. It was excellent and I can fully understand why so many people cite it as their favorite book of all time.
- A brunch and bookstore date – I love it when dating can be fun! We enjoyed brunch (I’ve been obsessed with breakfast burritos lately and I thoroughly enjoyed the one I got on Sunday) and then perused a bookstore. We opted to sit outside for brunch and it was H O T, but we were able to finagle one of the nearby fans to blow right on us, haha. And I was delighted to see how busy my favorite bookstore was on Sunday! Yay!
- A red velvet bundt cake – Is there anything better than a mini bundt cake in the middle of the week? I think not!
Three items on my Amazon wish list
- Weighted blanket – If you’re someone with anxiety, you’ve likely heard all about the benefits of weighted blankets. I’m probably going to put this on my Christmas list, as it’s something I don’t think I’d ever buy for myself but will be oh-so-happy if someone else did.
- Cycling shoes – I’d love to treat myself to cycling shoes for my Peloton rides. My non-Peloton bike can clip in, but right now, I just use the toe cages with regular sneakers. It works for now, but I want to upgrade soon.
- Pregnancy pillow – No, I am not pregnant nor do I intend to become pregnant anytime soon (or ever?). However, as a fat person who carries most of her weight in her belly, a pregnancy pillow just seems like something that would make sleeping 1000x better and ensure I’m not placing too much pressure on my lower back.
Three of my favorite TV shows growing up
- Growing Pains – Oh man, if there was a way for me to stream this show in all of its late 80s glory, I would. My family loved this show and I was 100% in love with Mike Seaver (weren’t we all?) I think we caught it in reruns and then maybe we used the Netflix DVD program to watch the series start to finish? I can’t be sure.
- Home Improvement – Okay, I see now that I have an affinity for shows with a main character who is now a problematic conservative (see: Kirk Cameron, Tim Allen). But man did I love Home Improvement. My brother and I still quote the “I didn’t say hell and damn” line to each other all the time.
- Everybody Loves Raymond – God, I loved this show. Was there anything better than the tension between Ray’s wife and his mother? THE BEST.
Three things I’m looking forward to next week
- Meeting Kim for the first time – Immediately after my mom and I decided to visit Chicago, I messaged Kim who is my resident catpert (cat expert) and someone whose blog I’ve followed for many years to see if we could have a meet-up (since she lives near Chicagoland). We’re hopefully going to meet for dinner and I’m so excited to finally see her in person!
- Traveling with my mom again – My mom is my favorite travel companion and we haven’t taken a vacation together in almost two years. I’m looking forward to spending lots of one-on-one time with her while we explore a new-to-us city.
- Taking the architecture boat tour – I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews from people about Chicago’s famous architecture boat tour and I can’t wait to experience it myself!
What was one of your favorite TV shows growing up? Tell me something that made you happy this week!
Just a quick programming note: This blog will be dormant for the next week as I enjoy my Chicago trip! I’ll be back on Monday, August 23rd for a trip recap! 🙂
I loved me some Mike Seaver too.
You havent seen the movie, The Count of Monte Cristo??? ITS SO GOOOOOOD!!!!! Its long – but its amazing!
You should totally feel that way when you see your girls together! You did create and do foster that loving relationship!!! 🙂
When you say you have push notifications turned off, do you mean when you go into Instagram the heart doesn’t pop up with how many comments you have, or that you don’t have them push through to your phone notifications? Manually checking is so much work! But for real, do what works for you! Get out of it what you want to! Make it your tool and keep it at your enjoyment level! (I have an Instagram comment problem where I can only see up to 100 notifications in the app and I sometimes miss comments if I haven’t logged in in a while because they happened over 100 notifications ago. I wish it would always show the comments and not so much the likes! Maybe I can turn the likes off in there, if that is what you did!)
You have so many fun things going on this weekend…. especially flying to Chicago! I am so excited to meet you and am honored I got a shoutout on the list! I will email you my phone number and we can figure out where to meet for dinner yay yay yay! And you and your mom are going to have a fab time and LOVE the boat tour!
I wonder what you will think of a Gentleman in Moscow. It’s so good but def a character driven novel!
I know a lot about the pelvic floor because I hear so many elite athlete moms talking about it on podcasts! Did you talk about it in the postpartum sense?
The 2002 Count of Monte Cristo is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. And so is the Martian. I have a weird association with the Count of Monte Cristo since I watched it on a flight back from Spain in 2002 and was very sad about leaving and leaving this boy I met on the trip… even though I had a girlfriend back home… oops? LOL. Anyway, those emotions and seeing the movie on the flight really made it stick with me!
I need to go back and rewatch some of those childhood shows and see which hold up and which don’t! I remember watching Home Improvement but only realize now it was about a problematic conservative LOL. I guess Last Man Standing is, too? (is that his other show?)
This is awesome that you and Kim get to meet up. Have so much fun.
I chuckled at your work google searches. What kind of pieces are you working on? LOL
Cycling Shoes are going to be a great investment. It’s on my list, too. I’ve ridden clipped in before and it makes a huge difference.
I hope you are having the best time in Chicago! The Architectural tour is so much fun! I did that with Amber and the 2 other girls that we met up with in Chicago for the 2013 marathon. We lucked out with the weather and had a beautiful fall day. You’ll see my company’s building on the tour – Nuveen. It’s right along the river.
Favorite TV shows from my childhood were Full House, Growing Pains, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego, and Family Matters. I was so into the TGIF line-up!
And something that made me happy last week was seeing my sister, her husband and their adorable little 6m daughter! I saw 3 of my 4 siblings and 6 of my nieces/nephews. I really enjoyed the family time. But was very happy to get home to our quiet house. Ha. I don’t think of myself as an HSP in general, but I feel like one around my family because it is SO LOUD.
I am sort of enviously reading your blog and wishing I could do something other than hunker in my house and hope that Covid goes away someday.
My husband did just buy me a weighted blanket for my birthday! It’s glorious. I honestly wish I’d gone for a slightly heavier blanket, but that’s because I’m the crazy person who gets super excited about getting x-rays at the dentist because I love the feeling of relaxation that come from the lead apron they put on your chest.
I am also envious of your comings and goings – not to mention your meet up with Kim! I hope that it was fantastic and that you enjoyed meeting in person1 Did your mom join you for that get-together? I did see from your IG that you did ALL of Chicago in 3 days, I swear! I hope it was awesome and not too exhausting.
Also, I’m with San – who wanted a piece on pelvic floor disorders? LOL.