Three confessions
1) While I really enjoyed my experience as a poll worker for the 2020 general election, I never want to be a poll worker again. It’s such a long day (you’re there from 6am until 8pm or later) and it can get a little boring. (Since Florida had early voting and mail-in voting during that election cycle, we really didn’t get a LOT of people coming in to vote on election day.) Anyway, I really need to get my name off my county’s poll worker list because I keep getting assignments for upcoming elections that I have to then cancel. Ugh.
2) I am really bad at burning my candles. It’s not that I’m “saving” them for some specific reason; it just never crosses my mind to light a candle. I even have a candle sitting out on my coffee table and I don’t remember the last time I lit it. It had to have been months and months ago. I want to get better about lighting candles, though. I do love the homey feel they provide! I just need to put a reminder in my phone or something.
3) I’ve been in my apartment for almost two years and haven’t used my dishwasher a single time. There just isn’t a point when you live alone! I handwash everything, and I actually really enjoy it.
Three of my most-used apps yesterday
1) Chrome (1 hour, 41 minutes)
2) Happy Color (1 hour, 11 minutes)
3) Overcast (59 minutes)
Three books I just added to my Goodreads TBR
1) The Love of My Life by Rosie Walsh – Anne Bogel really sold me on this novel during one of her recent podcasts, so I was quick to add it to my Goodreads TBR!
1) How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love by Logan Ury – Bri recommended this book to me, saying that one of her single friends is reading it and finding a lot of value in it. I don’t really like self-help like this (especially books that tout an outcome that the author can’t control, re: “find love”), but I’m intrigued enough to give it a try!
2) White Space, Black Hood: Opportunity, Hoarding and Segregation in the Age of Inequality by Sheryll Cashin – One of my Goodreads friends read this recently and had good things to say about it, so I added it to my list. Housing inequality is something I’m really interested in (I loved Evicted by Matthew Desmond), and I think this will be a really impactful read.
Three things I love about my cats
1) The way Lila will sleep on just about any article of clothing or pair of shoes on the floor. My stinky workout clothes? SLEEP. My bra? SLEEP. My gross sneakers? SLEEP. She’s a little mama’s girl, I guess!
2) The way Ellie will “talk” to me. I’ll ask her a question and she’ll meow back at me, so I’ll ask her another question and she’ll meow some more. It’s like we’re having a full-on conversation! I’ve been wanting to capture this on camera for a Reel.
3) How much the cats love their new tower! They spend so much time each day sleeping in the caves and Ellie has recently discovered that one of the top platforms is an excellent place to take a nap.
Three things that made me happy this week
1) A mid-week day off – I took a day off yesterday because I just needed a mental health day, and it was so nice! I took Eloise to a vet appointment (yearly checkup + rabies shot), ran some errands, took a nice long nap, and enjoyed book club with my ladies. It was wonderful!
2) Purchasing a new phone – I was able to lease a new iPhone 13 Pro for just $4 a month! The typical lease price for this phone is $46, so that’sย quite the deal. I couldn’t turn it down! The phone is backordered so I likely won’t get it until next month, but I’m excited!
3) My mom and stepdad feeling better – My mom is back to normal after her bout with Covid, and I am so very grateful for that! She tested negative mid-last week. My stepdad is also on the mend. I was really concerned about him because he’s in his 60s and unvaccinated and while he seemed to get the sickest out of all of us, he’s also recovering well. I’m so relieved!
Three things on my Amazon wish list
1) ASUS Flip 2-in-1 Touchscreen Chromebook – Whenever I decide to upgrade my laptop, this is what I’ll be getting! It can flip fully over to become a tablet, which is why I’m eyeing it. I don’t know how often I’d use the tablet function, but I want to find out!
2) A mic stand – Bri and I are going to need to invest in mic stands when we start recording the next season of our podcast. This two-pack is very affordable, but I need to find out if it will fit our mics.
3) Bidet Toilet Attachment – Y’all, I really want a bidet. That is all I’ll say about that.
Three things on my to-do list
1) Create cover art for our podcast – I commissioned podcast cover art from an Etsy creator a few months ago, but I wasn’t super happy with it, so I decided to try to design cover art on my own. Thank goodness for Canva Pro and their array of podcast cover art templates!
2) Cancel my massage membership – My massage membership is increasing by $10 to $70 a month, and that means it’s gone up by $20 since I became a member a few years ago. It makes sense for it to increase, but I just can’t stomach paying $70 a month for this membership, especially considering it’s nearly impossible to get in with my favorite massage therapist these days! I’m sad to lose my regular facials/massages, but it’s for the best.
3) Hang up my jewelry organizer – I bought a jewelry organizer to hang up all my necklaces and earrings and now I just need to hang it up and reorganize all of my jewelry. I’m hoping I can just hammer some nails into a wall and hang it up that way, but we’ll see.
Three things I’m looking forward to
1) Releasing our podcast into the world – We have a launch date: August 2nd! That’s when we will be releasing our trailer episode. I’ll be sure to add a link here when it’s live!
2) A getaway to Sarasota for Labor Day weekend – We haven’t done a book club weekend since 2019, for obvious reasons, and we were hoping to get a group together for a little weekend away this year. Unfortunately, 3 of our 6 members won’t be able to come but the other 3 of us are still going to get away for a long weekend in Sarasota.
3) A cruise in November – The cruise is still months and months away, but I am so excited for it! I know some people probably think we’re crazy to go on a cruise but I think we’ll be fine, especially since all cruisers/crew have to be vaccinated and have a negative Covid test to get on the ship.
Three podcasts on my to-be-listened-to list
1) The Ancients – One of my writers mentioned this podcast as her “share” for the day (I have one person on my team each day share something they’re watching, listening to, reading, recommending, etc, on our team Slack channel) and it is right up my alley!
2) Normal Gossip – I’ve heard really great things about this podcast that just discusses gossip sent in by regular people. Whoย doesn’t love a good gossip sesh?!
3) Fallen Angel – I love a good podcast docuseries and this one about the rise and fall of Victoria’s Secret looks to be very juicy!
Three things I’m doing this weekend
1) A writing date with Mikaela – I love our standing writing date! This week, I’m going to start working on show notes and Instagram posts for our podcast.
2) A 5K walk – One of the reasons I’ve been so lazy about going for my 5K walks is that I have to get up early to beat the heat and I usually don’t feel like doing that on the weekend, ha. I think I may try to go out on Friday evening for a walk, though. We’ll see!
3) A reading date – Hopefully, Amber and I will be meeting on Sunday for a fun reading date. We haven’t had one in a while!
What’s something that made you happy this week?
You should totally get a bidet!! The ONLY bad thing about them is when you travel… you miss it!! ๐
I feel like anyone who has a bidet is SUCH an evangelist for them!
I love this post! So much to enjoy in it. I am really looking forward to your podcast as well. Yay!
I’m really glad your mom and stepdad are feeling better, too. What a relief!
Here’s a confession: I never burn candles. I am TERRIFIED of fire. One of the studios I used to teach at used to always have so many little tea lights burning, and I would blow them out before my classes because I was so nervous about it, I couldn’t teach!
It sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you. Enjoy!
I can totally understand your fear of fire! I am the girl who has to check and recheck my straightener to make sure it’s unplugged (even though it has automatic shutoff!) And I can never burn a candle if I know I’m going to leave my home AT ALL that day, hahaha. Maybe that’s why I never burn my candles!
Well this was just full of fun tidbits! August 2!! So exciting! And I am so happy to hear your mom and stepdad are recovering. What a relief.
Would love to hear more about the jewelry organizer if/when you have a chance! I could use one and so could my daughter, but I get overwhelmed by all the options and end up buying nothing.
This is the jewelry organizer I bought: I still haven’t hung it up, lol. I need to get on that!
I’m excited to hear more about your podcast!!! The launch date is so soon!
I don’t burn candles since moving in with Phil. He HATES the smell of them! I burned them in our old house when he wasn’t around but not since moving and I don’t think we even have any candles anymore. I loved burning them but it’s something I had to part ways w/!
Your long weekend in Sarasota will be awesome! That is such a cute area. We stayed in the Long Boat Key area in 2019 and loved it. We had a really yummy meal in the Sarasota area. My relatives all live south of there so I’ve been in that region more than any other part of FL!
That is so interesting that Phil hates the way candles smell! Like… all smells? All candles? There are so many smells! Hahaha. Ahh, the compromises you have to make in a marriage! ๐
I love your list about your girls! Starbuck loves to lie on clothes too. It’s so funny to me. I can’t wait to see the talking reel with Ellie! And I am excited for your podcast debut!!! What a bummer the art you commissioned was meh.
I am so happy to hear your family is feeling better ๐ That made my heart happy!
You are going to love your new phone so much!!!!
We have a bidet attachment. Def get one. Same comment as April ๐
Something that made me happy last week was having Friday off ๐
I need to get this bidet attachment! It’s been on my wish list for so, so long.
Oh, I am happy to hear that both your mom and stepdad are recovering from Covid!
Dang, a new iPhone 13 for $4/month (and for how long are you paying that)? Where did you get that deal? That is awesome. Enjoy!
I am the same with candles – I always forget to light them (except for in the winter sometimes, I’ll remember it when it gets dark sooner).
I’m a long-time Sprint (now T-Mobile) customer, so I think it was some loyalty incentive! I even chatted with one of the customer service reps because the price seemed way too good to be true!
Wonderful news on your mom and stepdad.
And, I am exactly the same with candles – my problem is, except for one very specific Christmas candle that smells wonderfully of cinnamon, they just… don’t smell strong enough for me. I want the smell to waft through the whole apartment but usually it’s only smellable (?) in a small radius.
Your cats crack me up. The sleeping routine, particularly! ๐