1. A fun night out with my book club ladies. We went to a new-to-us restaurant (Cappy’s Pizza) where we shared a big Greek salad, cheesy bread, and pizza. The food was delicious and the conversation even better. I wasn’t able to make it to book club in October and had to decline a lot of events last month too, so it felt like I missed so much. After our dinner date, we drove over to a little ice cream place for dessert where I gave up on a peanut butter ice cream parfait a quarter of the way in. (My eyes were seriously bigger than my stomach!) All in all, a super fun night with my favorite ladies.
2. My first trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! My roommate organized this day for me to celebrate my birthday (she’ll be at home with her family in South Florida on my actual birthday). I am now the proud owner of an annual pass to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure, which means I get to go back and visit Harry Potter as many times as I want over the next year! YAY!
WWoHP was incredible. I will say I am not a rabid HP fan. I’ve only read the books once and have only seen the first movie. But I loved the books and I really wanted to visit this park. And I’m so glad I did! I felt overwhelmed with happiness just walking through this little world that was created for HP fans. I went into Ollivanders and Gringott’s Bank. I went through Platform 9 and 3/4ths and rode the Hogwarts Express. I drank Butterbeer in Hog’s Head. I explored Diagon Alley and rode all of the fun rides. It was the perfect day.
Roomie and I are planning to return sometime in late January and I’m already counting down the days.
3. Birthday love. Okay, so my birthday isn’t until next Saturday, but my Roomie got me a “It’s my birthday!” pin to wear around the park and it was ridiculously fun to get all the happy birthday wishes! I always thought those pins were cheesy – and they are – but I’m totally pro-wearing them now. Not only did I get a ton of well wishes throughout the day, but a worker on one of the roller coasters we rode told me to take the Express Lane because it was my birthday and, during the Men in Black ride, someone over the loudspeaker told everyone to “wish Stephany a happy birthday!” and I got an entire room full of cheers. Totes awesome and I might just wear it every time I’m at Universal. (Kidding.) (I think.)
4. A quiet Saturday evening. After our busy day at the theme park (we started our day at 8am, though I was up at 5am so I could get in my NaNoWriMo word count for the day!), Roomie and I decided to keep it low-key for the night. We heated up leftovers for dinner and both retired to our rooms around 8:30 to read. I like having a Roomie who enjoys early bedtimes like me!
(I’m laughing at the passage I chose to take a picture of… I didn’t realize it until just now when I added it to the post! Oh well. Nothing too provocative, I suppose!)
5. All of the Starbucks! This weekend included four visits to Starbucks, which has to be the most I’ve had Starbucks in one weekend. I went on Friday afternoon between getting off work and meeting my mom for lunch so I could a) get some caffeine in my system and b) work on my novel. I also went on Friday evening, after my hair appointment and before book club. I had about an hour and a half to kill, and since Roomie was taking care of Dutch, I decided to spend it at Starbucks to finish up my writing for the day. Then, Saturday morning, Roomie picked me up Starbucks (as a birthday treat – I am so spoiled by her, it’s insane) before our day at the park. And finally, Sunday morning was spent at Starbucks writing with my friend. Whew! And three cheers for the return of peppermint mochas. Yum, yum!
6. An afternoon with family. Sunday afternoon was spent in the best possible way: relaxing at my mom’s apartment to watch football with her, my brother, and oldest nephew. We ordered pizza, enjoyed the games, caught up on each other’s lives, and at the end, my nephew and I played the longest game of Uno ever (it took us over an hour to finish just ONE game!). My nephew loves playing games, but he still has a very short attention span and gets frustrated if he’s losing, so it takes a lot of patience. It’s worth it, though. 🙂
What was the best part of your weekend?
It sounds like you had an awesome weekend which was a perfect mix of spending time with friends, doing fun things, seeing family, and relaxing! My weekend was really fun, too. It’s hard to pick a favorite part but if I had to pick one I’d say having another couple over for dinner on Saturday night and playing cards!
Looks like you had a great weekend! The best part of my weekend was getting a bunch of friends together to celebrate my partner’s birthday. It’s so nice to just take an afternoon off and play games sometimes.
LOVE the birthday pin and all the well wishes you received. So special! Best part of my weekend? Getting to see my Best Friend after not seeing her for over a year; that’s the tough part with a best friend who lives in Florida. We had such a great time, laughed until we cried on more than one occasion, stomped our way (in cow girl boots) around downtown Nashville, helped each other get ready, and just had a good time. It was a quick trip and I’m exhausted but it was so much fun! <3
That sounds like the perfect weekend! The best part of mine was receiving an email with a job offer yesterday – I start next week! Full-time, better pay, about a ten minute drive from my neighbourhood, the work environment seems thriving and challenging yet fun…I am actually looking forward to jumping back into the world of work again!
Your roommate sounds awesome! What a fun early bday celebration she planned for you.
Best part of my weekend was hosting an early Thanksgiving dinner for my family at our new house. 🙂
You had a busy weekend!! Let’s see, my top moments of the weekend were probably finally getting some nice shelves up in our laundry room so I could really reorganize it and make it a lot tidier and then also taking Chloe for a long hike on Saturday afternoon!
I don’t know if you remember, but Erik and I were celebrating our first anniversary when we saw you in Orlando. We got one of those “Happy Anniversary” buttons and it was SO fun! We had more than 20 people wish us a happy anniversary, including a couple of kids which was so cute.
What a busy and fun weekend! I am glad to hear you and your roomie share the same bedtime routine. I’d hate to have a noisy person to live with. The best part of my weekend was going on long walks with Stryker and a bunch of great and important conversations with my husband. Not much going on here! 🙂