I haven’t done one of these posts in a long time, so I thought today is the perfect day to sit down with a cup of coffee and discuss some goings-on!
If we were having coffee today… I would most likely want to talk about my upcoming vacation. Since I’m just 5 days away from leaving, it’s the only thing on my mind! I’d probably mention that I’m having tons of vacation anticipation, but also a fair amount of vacation anxiety. (This has to do more with worry that something terrible is going to happen to make the trip not happen than actual travel anxiety.)
If we were having coffee today… I might ask you how your Mother’s Day was. I would hope it was a good day, though I know how difficult this day is for those who have lost their mothers, don’t have a relationship with them, or are aching to become a mother themselves. I would tell you that I had a good Mother’s Day, celebrating the most important woman in my life, my mom. I would tell you that we went for a long walk, took pictures in a park for her wedding invitations, and then went out for a late lunch with my brother and his family. I might mention that I was bummed that my grandma couldn’t partake in the festivities, being too sick from her last round of chemotherapy. (Which would probably lead to a discussion of how awful cancer is!)
If we were having coffee today… I’d probably tell you that I’m feeling a bit lackluster with my workouts lately. I’d mention that I’ve been thinking seriously about a gym membership because I miss having access to classes and more workout equipment. I might even grumble about the fact that two of the five pieces of cardio equipment at my tiny apartment gym have been out of order for a while now, which limits my choices!
If we were having coffee today… I might mention how I spectated at a race this weekend and how darn happy I was not to be running it. I’d tell you that my mom and my soon-to-be stepdad both ran the 8k and did very well… and that my reward for not running was to get 7 ant bites (including 3 on my bum!)
If we were having coffee today… I’d definitely ask about what you’re currently reading, and I would talk about the book I just started last night, Hush by Kate White. I’d tell you how this was the first book I suggested for book club since my abysmal pick in August of 2014 (Code Name Verity), so I am hopeful to redeem myself with this novel.
If we were having coffee today… I would tell you that the plans are all coming together for my mom’s wedding in July! I’d laugh a little as I told you how crazy this wedding planning process has been – mainly because very little planning has happened! But then I’d tell you how a date has been set (July 11), a honeymoon has been secured (a 7-day cruise; yes, I’m jealous!), and my mom has asked her best friend to officiate (yay!). I’d tell you that, this upcoming week, my mom and stepdad will be purchasing wedding bands, getting their marriage license, and sending out invitations! Next up: finding a wedding dress!
If we were having coffee today, what would you want to talk about?
“…and that my reward for not running was to get 7 ant bites.” Hahaha! Love it! (I mean, not really because I’m sure it’s irritating/painful but how you wrote it is funny!)
So excited for your vacation and for your Mom’s wedding – it’ll be here before you know it!
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you my Mother’s Day was tiring (pumping/feeding a baby every two hour is NO joke), but wonderful. I just kept snuggling him thinking how happy I was he’s finally here.
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you how I’m pretending mine is caffeinated – I can have caffeine but it’s SO easy for me to get addicted I’m sticking with decaf for now.
If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you how having the Etsy app on my phone with all my profile/payment information etc. on it is a dangerous, dangerous thing. It’s hard to pull out a laptop when you’re rocking a baby to sleep but touching on something to order it from your phone is SUPER easy!
That is exciting that the wedding planning is coming together! July 11 is going to come so fast. I hope it all comes together smoothly!
That is a bummer that the last book you picked for book club didn’t go over well. I had heard good things about “Code Name Verity”! I just started The Nightingale last night and I love it so far! If it wasn’t for my 5:30 am alarm, I would have stayed up late last night reading it!
If we were having coffee I would definitely complain about how much work and how expensive moving is. I am so grumbly about moving right now, but it will be behind me soon. I’d also tell you that I am really looking forward to Memorial Day weekend as we don’t have too much planned and by then my move and my big presentation will be behind me so I will be far less stressed out!!
I hope you have an amazing time on your cruise… I know you will! 🙂
Ant bites? OUCH!
Love the happy updates about your mom’s wedding. Such good news and so exciting 🙂
Sorry to hear your gram couldn’t make it to lunch yesterday. Darn cancer + chemo, indeed.
Today i would tell you that as much as I love rain, the rain that came pouring down last night had me restless and up for most of the night so I feel like a zombie. I would also tell you that a great way to start a Monday is by calling my far away best friend for a chat on my way to work. We laughed, we vented, we vowed to see each other soon. Best thing ever!
Yay for vacation and your mom’s wedding! Not so much for the ant bites, crummy gym equipment and your Grandma. Cancer really sucks. My Uncle is currently fighting it. 🙁
If we were having coffee I’d talk about how I completed a 5k obstacle run over the weekend and while I finished, my goal is to be able to complete an obstacle course run where I actually run to each obstacle instead of walking. I’d tell you about the new jewelry rental box I signed up for called Rocksbox and how much fun it is to try new jewelry and being able to wear it for awhile and then send it back to exchange for new pieces. I’d also talk about reading Abducted and Deadweight, the first two books in the Lizzy Gardner series. They’re quick & easy reads, but I liked them. And finally, if you asked about my Mother’s Day, I’d say that it started off nice, but one of my kids was whiney and argumentative and the other was moody so they couldn’t stop fighting all day and my husband kept fussing at them because they weren’t getting along on “my” day and by the end of it, I just wanted to be left alone.
I am so excited for your cruise! I can’t believe it’s already here. And your mom’s wedding! So exciting to have that coming up! I’m so sorry your grandma is feeling so sick from chemo. It is such an awful disease. What a trooper she is to be fighting so hard!
If we were having coffee today, I’d probably tell you that my Mother’s Day was exhausting as I hosted so I spent all morning cleaning and baking for the picnic. Just as we were finishing lunch and getting ready for dessert, my grandma fell and had to go to the ER. She’ll be okay, thank God, but it was stressful waiting to hear from my family that followed the ambulance to the ER to give us an update. I spent the day with her yesterday watching for signs of a head injury since her initial CT Scan was negative. She seems fine, but it was quite scary – she fell so hard her head dented my fridge!
I am DIGGING this blog layout!!! 🙂
July is an excellent month to get married. 🙂 Hope you’re having an awesome time on your cruise!
Wow! I love the new look of your blog! That’s so exciting your mom is getting married soon. I can’t wait to see how it all comes together.
Looking forward to catching up on what’s been going on with you!