12:00 AM // It’s midnight when I wake up to discover Dutch has barfed all over my bed. It is very unpleasant, but I set him down on the floor and strip the bed. He just sits there patiently waiting for me, poor little dude. I put down a sheet on my bed and then grab all of Dutch’s blankets and the blanket from my couch to keep us warm tonight. (My comforter needs to be washed.) I pick up Dutch and snuggle him in my arms. He’s a little restless, but eventually calms down.
12:30 AM // Dutch is finally asleep and I eventually drift off, too.
4:45 AM // My alarm goes off and I have no idea what day it is and why my alarm is going off. Then I remember: it’s Tuesday and I’m supposed to go for a long walk this morning. Since this means I get to listen to a podcast, I’m not too annoyed at my alarm! In the dark, quiet apartment, I put on some workout clothes and slip out the door without waking Dutch up.
5:00 AM // I go on a morning walk – it’s dark and in the low 70s and feels perfect outside. I finish the episode of Pod Save America that I started last night and start an episode of Stuff You Should Know.
5:50 AM // It starts to sprinkle near the end of my walk and doesn’t seem to be letting up, so I decide turn around and go home. And good thing I do because right as I get under the overhang by my apartment, the rain starts coming down harder.
6:00 AM // Once inside my apartment, I check on Dutch – he’s still sleeping! I take a shower and then get ready for the day while finishing up the Stuff You Should Know podcast episode.
7:10 AM // Dutch is still snoozing away on my bed, so I rub his back to wake him up (just like my mom did when I was a kid, haha). He slowly opens his eyes and lets me put his harness on. When I pick him up, he slumps over on me, so I get some extra snuggles and kisses in this morning. I don’t mind this at all! We go on a short morning walk.
7:25 AM // I commute to work while listening to an episode of the Real Talk Radio podcast. Traffic is a little backed up when I get onto the bridge, but nothing like yesterday!
8:00 AM // Once at work, I turn on my computer and then go into the break room to put away my lunch and grab a spoon for my yogurt. But when I check the drawer, there are no spoons! Uh-oh. I lament this fact to the coworkers who are standing in the break room, and one of them tells me to go downstairs to the deli to get a spoon, but I tell him I’d feel weird doing that and not buying anything! Instead, I take a fork from the drawer and figure I’ll just try to make it work!
8:15 AM // I come back to my desk and start going through my emails when my coworker stops by… with a spoon from the deli! Hooray! Soon after, my cubicle buddy arrives and we chit-chat for a little while about her new dog. (Who looks exactly like Paul Anka from Gilmore Girls. Exactly.) I also eat my yogurt.
8:45 AM // I guess it’s time to finally get started on work? Oops. Good thing I’m super ahead of schedule with my workload this month! I start my main task of the day, which is publishing my monthly content on two of my clients’ websites. It’s a mindless task, so I finish up the episode of Real Talk Radio I was listening to and then start an episode of Good Christian Fun (…and try not to giggle in my quiet office!)
10:45 AM // I’m finished with this task, so I go downstairs to stretch my legs and decide to text my mom about whether or not I should schedule a vet appointment for Dutch. He just hasn’t seemed himself lately and two barfs in a matter of days is concerning. She thinks I should, so I call Banfield and schedule a time to drop him off tomorrow morning so the vet can do some tests and monitor him.
11:00 AM // I take the first half of my lunch break and eat PB&J and pretzels at my desk while catching up on a Reddit forum I follow.
11:30 AM // I prep for the meeting that’s taking place at noon: secure a laptop, download the meeting notes and read through them, and peruse the client’s website to familiarize myself with their services.
12:00 PM // I head to the conference room where the meeting will be. Two members of the writing team and the account manager for this client are there already. Since most of our clients are out of state, these meetings often take place over a conference call. Unfortunately, the client is a no-show. Womp!
12:20 PM // After waiting for 20 minutes, the account manager calls it and we all head back to our desks. I check my email and then I’m about to head outside for the second half of my lunch break when the account manager finds me and says the client called back. Meeting is back on! It’s a flurry of finding the other members of the writing team and getting us back into the conference room to get the meeting started. Whew.
2:30 PM // The meeting finishes and it’s a good one. The client was super personable and engaging and very informative about the services his company offers. Always a good thing! I go back to my desk, email myself the notes I took, and return the laptop.
2:40 PM // I go outside to take the second half of my lunch break.
3:10 PM // I’m back at my desk and I start going through the edits I received on the content I wrote yesterday. All pretty basic stuff and I finish this task fairly quickly.
3:30 PM // I send my team leader an email letting her know that I have room in my schedule for some extra editing work or projects she needs help on. It’s weird: some months, I’m buried in work and other months, I finish super early! And then I decide I’ll just get started on the monthly content that will be due in November. November is going to be a short month for me (I’m taking some time off and then there’s the Thanksgiving holiday), so it’s good to get ahead.
4:10 PM // My stomach starts growling and I realize it’s been a long time since lunch, so I snack on some pineapple. (One of my favorite fruits!)
4:30 PM // Back to writing.
5:30 PM // I commute home while listening to Good Christian Fun. The commute home is easy breezy!
5:45 PM // I set my stuff down and greet Dutch, who is just sitting in my bedroom with his gaze on the door. We go on a walk and it’s soooo nice outside. A gorgeous 76 degrees and I am loving it.
6:00 PM // Back inside, I give Dutch a treat and then take a bubble bath. Ahh. So needed.
6:30 PM // I throw the bedsheet and pillowcase that Dutch barfed on earlier into the wash… and then realize I don’t have enough laundry pods to wash my comforter. Lovely. Guess we’ll be using Dutch’s blankets again tonight! Then, I start working on this post.
6:55 PM // I throw the chicken that I started marinating last night into the oven. While that’s cooking, I pick up around the house, respond to blog comments, and read some blogs.
7:25 PM // Once the chicken is done, I heat up some peas and rice to round out my dinner. I watch a couple episodes of The Carmichael Show while I eat dinner.
8:10 PM // I take Dutch on a walk. (Side note: Tonight, Dutch ate dinner all on his own! Hooray!)
8:20 PM // I clean up the kitchen, pack my lunch, and do my nightly routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth. Of course, I listen to a podcast! (Death, Sex & Money this time) I also put my bedsheet in the dryer.
8:45 PM // I get into bed with Dutch and my book.
9:30 PM // Lights out!
Tell me something good about your Tuesday!
Tuesday a year ago, two years ago, and three years ago
You look so pretty in purple!
Thank you, friend! This comment made me smile!
Poor Dutch – dog barf is the WORST, especially in the middle of the night 🙁 I hope he’s feeling better!
Yesterday I tackled putting up the Christmas lights while Norah was napping! I know it’s super early to be doing such a thing, but the weather is bound to get super cold and I’d rather hang them while it’s still warmish outside than freeze my butt off on the ladder! I won’t turn them on until mid-November though 😉
That makes so much sense to me! I’m sure it was relieving to put them up and knock that task off your list. You go, girl!
Something good about my Tuesday: using a gift card to go out to dinner since I’m failing in a big way at meal planning lately.
I miss 76 degree and sunny weather! It’s officially fall here in the STL…
I get into funks with meal planning where I just DON’T want to do it and so I don’t. It happens! That’s just life. 🙂 But at least you were able to use a gift card for your dinner. Free meal, hooray! 🙂
Poor Dutch… I hope you can figure out why he’s been barfing at night 🙁 does he stay home by himself during the day?
It’s always like this at my work… either I am buried in work, or I keep begging people to give me tasks. I honestly hate it and would love for it to be a bit more organized, but oh well.
The good thing about my Tuesday was my morning workout… I felt good (even at 5 a.m. in the morning haha!).
Yes – he’s by himself. My mom stops by mid-day to let him out and give him some attention (rumor has it, they’ve taken a few mid-day siestas on my bed, haha!)
Hooray for morning workouts! I tried to move my workouts to after work, but I just couldn’t get motivated to do my workouts then. I’d much rather work out at 5am than 7pm!
Poor dutch! I hope that the rest of the week was better and that the vet can figure out what is going on. I’m sure I’ll find out as I read through your posts for last week, though!
Let’s see something good about last Tuesday was that it was my Friday as I was off Wed-Fri for our Asheville trip!