Happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. My weekend was filled with some highs and lows. I got in a great workout, my brother and nephew came over Saturday night which was a blast, and I spectated at an 8K race my mom participated in – followed by an epic nap. I also visited my grandma and grandpa to show them my new car. My grandma is having a tough time with her chemotherapy so any prayers you can send her way would be much, much appreciated. The lows? Well, I’m back on OK Cupid. If that tells you anything. (More on this in the coming weeks. Still trying to wrap my head around everything.)
Onward to my weigh-in post!
The Workouts
Monday – Rest day.
Tuesday – Workout A of BBB, Strength & Cardio Burst Supersets, 3 rounds. New workout goal: be able to complete an entire minute of high knees.
Wednesday – Stationary bike (15 min), elliptical (15 min). I wanted to do 45-60 minutes of cardio but my arches started cramping up. I have still been wearing my high-arch insoles but I have since switched them out because I think they cause more problems than solutions.
Thursday – Workout B of BBB, Strength & Cardio Burst Supersets, 3 rounds. Let’s talk about my hatred for mountain climbers for a minute here. I would rather do 20 burpees in a row than even a few seconds of mountain climbers. Hate, hate, hate. Effective, but lots of hatred for that exercise.
Friday – Rest day.
Saturday – Stationary bike (20 min), then Workout C of BBB, Double Ladder workout. Basically fell to the floor in a heap of sweat and breathlessness at the end of this workout. Killer.
Sunday – Rest day.
The Goals
Goal A – No sugary snacking. Fail. I ended up snacking 4 out of the 7 days. Emotional eating at its finest!
Goal B – Eat 3 servings of fruits/veggies a day. I didn’t track this goal as well as I should have, but I know I didn’t meet this goal every day. This is an area I need lots of work in.
The Goals… for this week
Goal A – Eat 3 servings of fruits/veggies.
Goal B – No sugary snacking.
The Weight
I gained 2 pounds this week, which is not all that surprising for me. My workouts were subpar for the most part and I went a little nuts with eating my emotions. When a boy breaks your heart, well, I think it’s A-OK to break some of your food rules for a week. But I’m back on track this week, broken hearts be damned.
Overall Thoughts
This was an okay week for me. I know I need to cut down on my sugary snacking and start eating more meals at home. While I’ve been meal planning, I haven’t been great at sticking to my plan. I’m lazy, okay? I despise cooking and will do anything to get out of it. But sometimes, you have to do things you don’t want to do to get the results you really want to get. Nobody said this journey was going to be rainbows and butterflies all the time!
The gain on the scale wasn’t too surprising, but still a disappointment. I know I can do better!
I am so tired of my scale. Seriously. Some days I’m down five pounds (or more) and other days no change. I don’t get it. i’m working out like crazy, I have cut back on my food and portions. It’s making me nutty!!!! I am choosing to focus on the fact that I can see more muscle than before, my clothes are fitting better and I feel better. That is what matters, right? I sure hope so!
(Also, so sorry to hear about the OKCupid situation. Here if you need/want to chat.)
You’re doing better than me! I totally shut down as far as working out goes when winter hits. I just can’t make myself do anything when it’s cold out- even if the heater inside is cranked. Sigh.
Boo I’m sorry things with the boy didn’t work out (that is me making the assumption about you saying you’re back on OKCupid). Hope you’re doing OK. xo
You are correct in this assumption. I am… okay. Very sad about everything, but moving forward. It was a learning experience and I know I put the effort in on my part. I’m just sad he didn’t want the same things.
Sometimes it’s better to give yourself a break. I hope this week is awesome! You are a strong woman. 🙂
I am sorry to hear that things didn’t work out with the boy. 🙁 That is a huge bummer and things like that turn a person’s world upside down so I am glad you are cutting yourself some slack!
Thanks, Lisa. And thanks for listening to all my emails about everything! I’m very sad about it, but it was a huge learning experience and I’ll be okay.
Darn boys! I hope you are doing alright!
Can I make a suggestion? You have probably heard / tried it all before but I have found that instead of being too hard on yourself and trying to fix everything all at once, it is often easier to make one change at a time. I know you did this last year with your monthly goals… Has it helped you at all? Maybe if you make a goal to bring a healthy lunch each day and leave it at that for a while…. I know that if I try to do it all at once, I get really discouraged when I don’t make my (unrealistic) goals for myself!
I do like this mentality and it’s the main reason why I did so well with my 30 day soda fast. All I focused on was eliminating soda from my diet. So that’s why I took on this “no sugary snacking” challenge but it is NOT going well. I like chocolate! And cookies! And ice cream! Sigh. I think I need to break it into baby steps where instead of NO sugary snacking at all… only having 1 serving of chocolate a day. I just want to get to a point where I’m not having SO much sugar on a daily basis! But it’s a good suggestion!! 🙂
I had such an awful month of eating and lack of exercising, so your almost daily exercises are a reminder that I should be making time for some in my life too. I had a week (not this past week, but the one before) where I literally was eating everything in sight. You know *that* week where it’s like you can’t help it? I need to get this kinda thing under control! It’s been making me feel horrible. Luckily it calmed down now and I realized it’s not my norm, sometimes cravings just hit and I can’t help it. I’m eating more like myself again, but I feel like I’m seeing increases in my portion sizes. I want to be able to eat intuitively and not count and still feel good. Bah! These posts of yours always get me contemplative of health issues! lol