I decided to take a break from writing my weigh-in posts over the last few weeks of December. I was in full-time holiday mode, enjoying all the treats and sugary goodness this time of year brings. I didn’t step on the scale until the Saturday before New Year’s Eve and that’s when I had to face the music.
The verdict? I gained 4 pounds in 3 weeks.
Not good. Not good at all.
I tend to go overboard during holidays and vacations and take a complete step back from being any semblance of health. I stop exercising. I stop drinking water and eating fresh fruits and veggies. And I binge on anything and everything unhealthy. I know what I am doing and I understand why I am doing it… it’s just too hard to walk away from it when I’m in the midst of it.
But here I am. It is a new year and I am determined to make this a year where I put in the hard work and dedication it takes to lose weight and be an all-around healthier individual. I’m tired of failing and messing up and feeling as if I can’t get this. It’s exhausting and defeating. I’m just ready to stop it.
The excuses have to stop.
I can do it.
I can lose weight. I can revamp my diet. I can stop drinking soda for good. I can become a runner. I can put in the work to achieve this major life goal of mine. I can step outside of my food and exercise comfort zones.
I can do this.
I will do this.
This is something that I cannot fail at. To fail is to believe in the lies that I’m not good enough. To fail is to set myself up for long-term health problems and even more self-esteem issues than I currently have.
And the more I tell myself I can do this, the more I start believing it. And that is the first step in taking control of my health and ignoring the excuses clamoring for attention inside my head.
In the wise words of Molly Maher: No goal is out of my reach.
2013 is going to be a defining year in my journey. I can taste it. I can feel it. I am owning it.
Starting Weight: 166.6 lbs
Current Weight: 165.8 lbs (down 2.2 from last week)
Weight Lost: .8 lbs
I am glad you are staying positive and believing in yourself! You know you can do this. It’s nice to start fresh in the new year and really commit yourself to making changes. My goal as I start the new year is to get back to making more meals at home so I can have leftovers during the week for lunch. I did so so doing this last year, so want to work on it, and am off to a great start as I made a WW recipe for taco soup on Saturday and potato soup on Sunday!
That’s my goal as well! I really don’t like traditional lunches (i.e., sandwiches, salads) so I want to make a big Crock-Pot meal on Sunday nights and have for leftovers at lunch throughout the week. It’s a good goal to have – saves calories, time, AND money!
I find these posts so inspiring! Do you read Liz from One Twenty Five? She write openly and honestly about weight loss journey and fitness/healthy eating goals. You should check her out! http://125.msn.ca/
I’ve never heard of her but thanks for the link! I’ll definitely check her out. 🙂
It is always tough for me to refrain from eating holiday food. Even now that it’s past the holidays, I still have Christmas candy from my stocking that I’m munching on. But it sounds like you are definitely in the right mind frame to start working toward this goal. You can do it! 🙂
Luckily, all the sweet things are gone from the house. (I, um, ate them all…) It’s just so hard during December to be super healthy with all the sweet treats! Oh well. New year, new me, right? I got this. 🙂
I’m right there with you working on the weight loss thing. We can do this!!!
Yes! We can absolutely do this. I’m so ready to shed all this weight and excess baggage (both literally and metaphorically!) I am holding onto.
Sometimes I think it’s better to gain a little bit when I’m lazy and unhealthy than if I maintained my weight. It provides a little extra motivation to change things. Does that sound ridiculous?
Anyways, I’m glad you re-motivated to get after it this year. Have a great week!
Oh yes! I agree. It’s nice not to gain weight, but then I know I earned those 4 pounds with everything I ate. Haha. Now time to get to work!
If it makes you feel any better, I gained six pounds over the holidays! All that hard work I put into losing weight before the wedding: out the window. 🙁
I’ve been trying to lose the 20 pounds I gained after I graduated from college for a year now. I’ve lost almost half, but there’s still work to be done! We’re going to make it happen this year, Stephany. I just know it! Good luck with your weight loss journey. I’ll be rooting for you! <3
Yes, we will! It just takes a lot of dedication and hard work but it’s entirely doable. That’s what I keep reminding myself. And realizing December was December and I can’t waffle in the “should have done’s”. I just need to focus on making 2013 the most successful year for me yet!
Good luck! I’m totally with you now. I had a fairly healthy week last night and my last really bad meal Sunday for lunch (wings and beer). On the wagon! Let’s do this thing!
I plan on running Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday so if ever you want to get together for a jog I would e good with that! I try to do evenings, and I haven’t been running since May so I’m really worried about my stamina.
I would love to get together and run with you some night! I am verrrrrrry slow but once I get a car and I’m not so dependent on other people, we’ll have to make some plans to meet up for a run! (And maybe I’ll be a mite faster by then. Hehe.)
I have SO MUCH difficulty watching what I eat. It sucks that it has to be so hard when it’s so good for your body. But you are SO motivated & I know you’ll find a way to make this your year. I believe in you darling! 😀
Thanks, friend! The eating part is tripping me up so much. Once I put my mind to it, I can whip out workouts with no difficulty but then I undo all my hard work by eating junk! I guess the only way to remedy that is to stop buying junk, eh? Blast! It’s really so easy… I just make it more difficult than it has to be.