It’s been a while since I did a follow-up post to my Where Do You Keep That? series. I started it in August after listening to an episode of the Girl Next Door podcast and then Elisabeth took the post and ran with it, providing me with a long list of things to talk about! I may be able to squeak out yet another list after this post, so stay tuned for that! For now, let’s dive into some other categories of household items so I can tell you exactly where I keep them in my house.
Light Bulbs
The bottom section of the bookshelves in my dining room are all for organization! I have a bin that’s strictly used for backstock for cleaning supplies, kitchen supplies, etc. This bin also houses backup lightbulbs. Once I run out, I immediately add more lightbulbs to my cart on Target so I’m never without lightbulbs.
Incoming Mail
I am so bad about checking my mailbox regularly. Since I live in an apartment, I have to walk to a community mailbox area to gather my mail and sometimes I forget to do this until a few weeks have passed. Oops! When I do grab my mail, I usually take the time to go through it. If there is mail that I am not quite ready to deal with, I’ll throw it in my little organizer that’s near my door. The goal is to go through that organizer once a month and take care of lingering mail tasks, like paying a bill or making an appointment.
Laundry Baskets
I only have one laundry basket in my apartment because I use my washer as its own “laundry basket” of sorts. (More about that here!) The one laundry basket I have sits in my bathroom closet. I use it for towels, washcloths, reusable cotton rounds, etc.
Garbage Cans
I have three garbage cans in my apartment. There’s my primary garbage can that sits right outside my kitchen. There’s my bathroom trash can next to my toilet. And then there’s the valet trash can that I set outside a few nights a week to get picked up. (I transfer the bag of trash from my primary can to the valet can whenever I need the trash to be picked up.) I keep that trash can right inside my door, next to my TV stand.
Broom and Mop
My broom and my mop sit inside one of my closets. Out of sight, out of mind!
I keep one pair of sunglasses always tucked into a pocket in my purse. The other pair is usually in my car but if I bring it inside for any reason, I’ll throw it in my purse when I’m tidying up around my apartment.
Items to Donate
I always keep a trash bag in my closet that I fill with items I want to donate. It’s not the prettiest thing, but I like always having that bag on hand because inevitably, I’m throwing things in it on a regular basis. (Bonus: Eloise now thinks it’s the ideal place to nap now. A million comfortable places to sleep and she chooses a trash bag, sigh.)
I use an eight-cube bookshelf as my TV stand. The top shelf is for books and the bottom shelf is for organization! In the second bin, I keep small plastic containers for miscellaneous items, and one of those items is batteries. I only keep AAA and AA batteries on hand because I haven’t had a need for any other type at this point. Once I use up the last of the batteries, I will immediately add a new pack to my Target cart.
Paper Storage
I have a portable file folder in my closet for paper storage. Once a year, I shred anything that’s older than seven years, so the file folder keeps getting smaller and smaller because most things are digital these days!
How annoying is Tupperware? And yet… it is also so necessary. I feel like my situation is somewhat under control but things could get dicey at any moment. Right now, the top shelf of one of my kitchen cabinets is reserved for Tupperware, although I had to move one set of Tupperware containers to the second shelf when I got my bento snack boxes. So now the top shelf is for my big containers, bento boxes, and a plastic bin for smaller containers/tops. The second shelf is for the other set of containers (I use these frequently for leftovers!).
How many laundry baskets do you have in your house?
We have four laundry baskets in our house – one for every human!
Makes sense! Not too overwhelming, especially when one of the kiddos is doing their own laundry now!
Our donation bag is in a sorry state…for whatever reason I feel like I need to have a pile of stuff to make it worth my while to donate. I stockpile stuff in a pile in the basement, and then when I finally get annoyed enough to do something about it, I bag it up and store it in the trunk of my car until that finally gets annoying enough to make me truck out to the Goodwill drop…that’s very close and on the way to the grocery store. What can I say, my donation habits have room for improvement.
Each member of the family has their own laundry basket, and then we have a few older baskets sitting in a storage room that I use for washing towels and our sheets, or whatever random project that comes along that requires a laundry basket.
Oh, I can completely relate to the donation conundrum! My nearest Goodwill is literally 3 minutes from my apartment and it still takes me forever to finally make the trip. I also feel like I need to have “enough” stuff to qualify for a Goodwill trip, lol.
I need a spot for donations…. will think on this
We have ONE laundry basket for dirty clothes that lives next to the washer and ONE for clean clothes that lives on top of the dryer.
Two laundry baskets for your entire family??? Sarah, I cannot!
I love whenever your pictures show glimpses of your bookshelves!
We have a lot of laundry baskets. Maybe seven? There’s baskets for dirty, baskets for clean to be folded, baskets for clean to be put away… It’s never ending here.
This is such a sweet compliment, thank you!
I can only imagine the neverending laundry for a family of five!
We have three laundry baskets. One for whites, one for mediums, one for darks.
I agree about Tupperware, a bother to store, but so useful when you need it.
Confession: I don’t separate my laundry by color! Shh – don’t tell the Laundry Police!
We have three laundry baskets in our house – two in my room (whites, colors) and one in my kid’s closet. Well, hers is actually on the stair landing at the moment, and has been for several days, because it is apparently invisible to all but me.
HA! The invisible laundry basket. How long will it stay there before someone notices it?! You should start leaving notes on it like “I’m ready to be put away!”
We have three laundry baskets and they all live together, nested, in the bathroom closet. They only get used when we are doing laundry. We have a laundry bag in our bedroom for collecting dirty clothes. I brought all of the laundry baskets into the marriage (one I have had since my dorm days in college, one is a big one that I bought when I moved to an apartment to make going to the laundromat easier, and one is a basket I got from my mom’s house when she used it as a box to send me home with stuff). Dr. BB didn’t have a single laundry basket before we got married. I don’t know why, but I find this fact astonishing.
I don’t know which fact is more fascinating: That you have a laundry basket that has been around since you were in college or that Dr. BB didn’t have a single one before you guys got married!
Don’t donate kitty! LOL
1 have 2 laundry “baskets” (they foldable that some Publix have). One in the bathroom for towels and one in my room for my clothes.
I keep my bulbs in a wicket basket! But it’s small and just for bulbs. I also have a file box. I like your idea of clear containers for storage and will keep that in mind for future organization needs
I only have one trash can but I use over the cabinet door plastic bag holder for bathroom trash (it holds a shopping bag open for trash).
Maybe Eloise is trying to tell me something by sitting on the donation bag. But tough luck – I’m keeping here!
There’s something sweet about bulbs in a wicker basket. I love that!
The clear containers are GREAT for all those miscellenous items that need to be stored away but also easy to find when you need them. I have one for batteries, one for small travel essentials (like lanyards and my passport cover), one for all kinds of cords, and one for small office essentials (like a tiny stapler, extra pens, etc).
OK, we need a comprehensive “Stephany’s approach to organizing the annoying crap” post, please. I have this annoying stuff (batteries, packing tape, random tech-related stuff) in a drawer and it is driving me BATTY. Maybe I just need to buy some of these – or similar – little containers? Please, educate me. 🙂
We actually only have one laundry basket in our house and I’m considering a laundry basket a basket that’s used to move laundry other than dryer into people’s rooms. It lives in our laundry room when it’s not in use. We have three hampers – one in each of the boys’ room and one and mine and Phil’s room. You seem to generate less laundry than the average family. I’m not sure why that is but we only do about two loads per week sometimes three, but we do not wash sheets super often!
I have a very similar file box folder for important documents, but I get behind on purging documents that are over seven years old!
I’m just thinking about people who wash their sheets on a WEEKLY basis and laughing to myself. Who has time for that?!!?!
TBH, I don’t remember the last time I purged documents. It’s such an involved process! I need to take a look at that box and clean things up!
Hahaha I am similar with the mail! I have to walk 500ish yards outside to go get the mail and in my mind its An Epic Voyage, especially in the winter when I have to bundle up, and then in the summer when its just so hot. I’ve worried at times that the mail man thinks I died because I am so lazy about it. Also, I am constantly worried that for some reason my neighbors are mad at me because I am forgetting to do something neighborly and if they see me outside getting the mail, its ample opportunity to confront me about it. Home ownership is making me a little insecure lol.
Then when I do get the mail I just let it pile up on a table and behave as if going through it its The Hardest Of Chores even though 99% of it is junk and it really doesn’t take that long! lots of areas for self improvement for me over here lol
You get me! Except I don’t have the weather excuse (only in the summer, ha). I’m always worried I’m going to get the dreaded “your mail is now at the post office for pick up” letter. I think that’s what they do if you don’t pick up your mail in time? Or maybe that’s a myth, lol. I’m just thankful that I don’t get much mail because otherwise, things could get out of control VERY easily.
Oh I love love love these posts. I should do a follow up myself.
That said I recently learned the difference in how Americans and Germans approach their mail. I was not aware that some people do not check the mail box daily. Every time I come home I open the mail box to see if there is any mail. You are actually required by law to have your mailbox checked weekly when receiving some sort of government service like unemployement benefits and such.
It was mind-blowing to me that other cultures do not do this.
I think most people DO check their mail daily, but I have to walk to a community mailbox area to get to my box so I don’t do it every day. If my mailbox was close by, I would check it every day but alas, I am lazy.