Happy, happy Friday! What a week it’s been! I’m super happy it’s the weekend. This week has taken its toll on me. Work has been fine, it’s just a bunch of other bugging issues cropping up that are sapping my energy. I hope this weekend is a restorative one.
Let’s end this week with a fun “yesterday, today, and tomorrow” post, mmkay?
Yesterday, I…
- Was pleasantly surprised by the fall-like morning! It was only 72 degrees and breezy. I am honestly shocked that we are having such nice weather lately. The mornings start in the low 70s, and we hover around the low 80s throughout the day. I think Florida is finally experiencing fall! (Well, Florida fall, at least. It’s a reprieve from the 110-degree days we had been having!)
- Took myself out to lunch. I love doing this. Getting away from the office, sitting outside, eating a meal in silence, and reading my book. It’s honestly the best and makes me happy.
- Made gluten-free cookies. Yum, yum! My mom has gone gluten-free because we believe she has some sort of sensitivity to it. She was getting stomachaches and headaches multiple times a week, and I kept kindly nudging her to try going gluten-free just to see if that’s the cause. And so she’s been gluten-free, and it’s been working! And we discovered gluten-free cookies in the process, which I think I like better than regular cookies. Weird. But awesome.
- Watched the Scandal premiere! Gosh, I love this show. And beforehand, I watched the whole cast on Ellen, and that was just the most fabulous. They are good people.
Today, I…
- Will have a bagel for breakfast and I’m super excited about this. Bagel Friday FTW!
- Have a hair appointment! Woo! I’m planning on freshening up my hair color (thinking this color, maybe) and just trimming my layers. I’m planning on growing my hair out to donate again, and I’ll probably go back to a bob next summer. Maybe. We’ll see how I feel.
- Will wash and vacuum my car! Eek… it needs a good washing, for sure. It’s been more than a few months.
- Have a fun night planned – Xtreme Book Club! One of my friends suggested doing laser tag for book club this month and a bunch of us were totally on board with that idea. So we’re meeting at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner and then heading over to a laser tag center to play a few games. I mean! I’m so excited! My book club is the best.
Tomorrow, I…
- Am thinking about going out to brunch. I haven’t been out for brunch in a long time! Hopefully, I can find a non-chain place that serves a delicious brunch (bonus points for a yummy mimosa!).
- Have to drop my baby off for his biannual comprehensive check-up. It’s a pretty involved process where they take lots of tests to ensure he’s healthy and there are no internal issues we need to be concerned about. I’m always so nervous about these exams because I’m just always worried something is terribly wrong with Dutch. You never know! Good thoughts and prayers for another healthy check-up, please!
- Need to buy my nephew a birthday present! Eek! I’m still not sure what I want to get him. He’s super into “Paw Patrol” so my brother has suggested that, but I think I might look for something a little more educational. I’m okay with being the lame aunt who buys books and puzzles! 🙂
- Will have a low-key evening in. My goal is to catch up on my DVR (it’s already out of control with all the show premieres this week. Maaaaybe I have a TV addiction. Maybe.) and do some writing. Fiction writing! At least an hour! This is a must.
What is something you did yesterday, you did or will do today, and have planned for tomorrow?
Going GF is tough. I miss bread, pizza and pasta. I’ve found that quinoa pasta is the closest in texture/taste to regular whole wheat pasta. I have experimented with probably 6-7 brands of GF bread and so far, Glutino is my favorite. They are all better toasted, in my opinion, but Glutino seems to be the most similar to regular bread.
Yesterday I went pin-crazy looking up ideas for a total kitchen remodel. My dad thinks we can swap the kitchen and dining room at my soon-to-be house so that means starting with a blank canvas and create a custom kitchen. Today I am planning on going to the gym with Pete after work to lift weights and squeeze in some cardio. Tomorrow I have a long run and I’d like to pack another 8-10 boxes for our move.
Let’s see … Yesterday I had to meet the plumber at our rental property because there was no hot water. Luckily it was a cheap and easy fix and the bill *should* be less than $100. Hurray! So far today I dropped my husband off at the airport, and then I plan on baking him a cake later today because he’s generally awesome. Tomorrow? I have no idea what’s in store!
I don’t think I’ve ever taken myself out for lunch! I always just grabbed whatever I bought to go, and took it back to the office to eat. If/when I ever get a job, I’ll have to maybe just sit down and enjoy my food somewhere not at work!
Good luck to Dutch at the doc tomorrow; I always worry when I take Jack to the vet so I totally get it. Hopefully all goes well with no issues at all.
Laser Tag Book Club? That’s awesome and sounds like so much fun. I’ve never played Laser Tag.
Aaand brunch, well, you can’t go wrong with that.
Sounds like a nice weekend with both fun and relaxation! I hope Dutch’s appointment goes well. 🙂
I just got here, but where did you get brunch? I was looking at this article. I need more brunch in my life.
I am totally the lame aunt that only gives books and money for their college accounts for birthdays. I will sub out the book for a game (preferably something that involves strategy/uses their brain), a puzzle, or lego kits where they have to follow directions to build things. And my sibling really appreciate it as kids get SO many toys these days and forget about them so quickly it seems. So I say go for the book or puzzle idea. 😉
Yesterday I had a busy day as I went from work to run club and then we had a pasta dinner after run club in honor of the many people in my club running Twin Cities marathon this weekend. Today one of my closest college friends flies in from Austin so I will see her tonight and tomorrow I am taking a half day so I can join the girls for pedicures and shopping (window shopping for me because holey moley I feel like I am bleeding money these days).
yesterday, I saw gone girl.
today, meeting Ashley from She Comes Undone!
tomorrow, i’ll start packing