My good friend Nora sent me the above pin last week, and some of the “rules” made me laugh because they are so true. Like, #3. Dutch is constantly following me around and I can’t count how many times I’ve accidentally kicked him in the ribs because he was just standing behind me when I turned around! Or #6, which is just something I’ve had to get used to. He always finds his way into my bathroom. Always. There were a few dachshund rules missing, though. And, so, I thought I would add some rules of my own…
Rule #11: They are blanket hogs.
Dachshunds are burrowers by nature, so they love hiding under blankets. And Dutch has a very specific burrowing technique, where he basically pushes me to the side as he finds the perfect spot for him to lay. I’ve woken up in the middle of the night more than once to find out I have a tiny section of my comforter to myself, while Dutch has created a little fort for himself under my blanket.
Rule #12: They can’t control their licker.
Oh, yes, expect to be kissed and kissed frequently when you have a dachshund. My mom doesn’t let Dutch kiss her much, but what can I say? I’m a big softie and I let him. My favorite is when I’m laying on the couch and he jumps up next to me, walks up to sit on my chest, and licks my face. It’s just a “Hi. I’m happy you’re mine,” kinda kiss. (Also, as a single gal, it’s really the only “action” I’m getting…)
Rule #13: They are professional snugglers.
Dachshunds understand snuggling. Like to the extreme. It’s very rare that I’m laying on the couch and Dutch isn’t snuggled against my side. Or on my legs. Sometimes, I’ll even lay him on my chest and he’ll sleep there. (Because he isn’t spoiled at all!) I adore snuggling with him, which is funny because I’m totally not a touchy-feely kinda girl. But there are few things in life that feel as sweet and good as Dutch snuggled against me.
Rule #14: They can be stubborn little jerks.
I am a bit glad Dutch came into my life when he was seven and completely house-broken because I hear dachshunds are a pain to house-train, due to their stubborn nature. And Dutch, oh, Dutch is incredibly stubborn. His stubbornness really comes to life when we’re taking a walk outside and he wants to go one way and I want to go another. He’ll dig his feet into the ground, stiffen his body, and resist my tug on the leash. And unless I want to drag him (which no, hello animal abuse!) the way I want to go, he gets his way. I call him a jerk at least once a day during our walks because REALLY. It’s ridiculous.
Rule #15: Their bark is worse than their bite.
Dachshunds are notorious for having really loud, deep barks. I read an article and the reason for this is due to their large lung size and barrel-like chest. It produces a bark that is much better suited for a large dog! I’ve had people hear Dutch bark before and then actually see him and say to me, “I did not expect that bark to come out of that body!”
Rule #16: Dachshunds, especially smooth-haired, get intensely attached to a single person.
I know this is very, very true for Dutch. He is super attached to me. He follows me everywhere and sleeps with me every night. I often wonder what he’d do if I ever brought a boy home because he gets very jealous when other people try to hug me. Often, my mom will try to give me a hug when Dutch is next to me, and he’ll yelp and growl and try to push his body between us. It’s kinda hilarious, so we often play it up just to make him even more jealous. It’s been noted that dachshund owners are supremely loyal to the breed and I can attest to that. I honestly think I will continue to own dachshunds because they are just the best dogs. They are so much fun to have around, so adorable and so snuggly. Their personalities are just the greatest, and I love that little boy with every fiber of my being. He’s so spoiled, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂
If you have a dog, what are some of his or her (or their!) personal quirks? If you don’t have a pet, what are some of YOUR personal quirks?
Squee! Your dog is the cutest thing! 😀
I have two dogs, Campbell, an almost 3-year-old pit bull, and Daphne, an almost 10-year-old Alaskan Malamute.
Campbell’s biggest quirk is that he NEEDS to lay on a cushion or pillow at bedtime, or he’ll just pace around our room and pout. If Daphne is on the dog bed, u have to tell her to move so Princess Cam can be comfy. Luckily, Daphne can sleep on any surface unphased!
My favourite quirk of Daphne’s is her sassy talking. Malamutes don’t have a bark, bit when they’re speaking their minds it sounds more like talking. (YouTube it!) It’s hilarious, and makes her seem like a puppy, even though she’s a moody old lady.
Love this post (duh).
let’s see, Jack…
Has his “own,” couch. It’s in the front room of our house so he can be comfortable but also positioned so he can see into the other rooms in our house (thank you open floor plan). He’s a bit of a Border Collie mix so he likes to herd and shepherd and keep watch all the time!
He loves to be pet & rubbed. He’ll position himself in front of your seat, and move his body around to where he’d like to be rubbed. We call it a doggie car wash.
He loves to go in the car. He gets extremely excited about it, tail wags and then he waits patiently for the window to be rolled down enough that he can stick his little nose out the window.
He’s my first baby and I love him with my heart 🙂
I don’t have my own dog, but my family dog is a black lab/German shepherd mix. I am not a dog person at all, never have been, but for some reason I love Cooper. My two biggest gripes with dogs are licking and barking. I can’t stand either and I have no idea why! Cooper does not lick or bark often which is why we get along so well, I think. Some of Coop’s quirks:
1. He is terrified of sirens! When he hears one he starts to howl like a hound dog. It’s the funniest thing!
2. He is a horrible walker. He weaves and gets tangled in his leash and has dog ADD. Part of the problem is that no one walks him regularly so he’s never really had to learn.
3. He is 7 years old and still acts like a puppy. I think it’s the lab in him.
4. He’s 100 lbs but thinks he is a lap dog.
5. He was a horrible chewer until he was about 5 years old. Once, he chewed an entire arm chair down to the coil springs!
6. He likes to bury sticks of butter in my mom’s house plants.
Fun post! 🙂
Dakota isn’t a Dachshund, but he does the SAME thing outside. I have to carry him in half the time! For a little dude, he’s surprisingly strong. I think he’s part bull dog though because he’s short and muscular, and has the same kind of stance.
Oh I have to share that with my friend who has a dachshund, or “her wiener” as we call him. Actually in three years of knowing Vinny I’ve never ever pet him because he’s a bit of a vicious little dog. Lol. But I really get a kick out of our group when we’re out for trail runs. There’s always my friend and her two dogs – a border collie and a dachshund and then me and Chloe the boxer. We are quite the pack!
I don’t own a dog, but my roommate has a Great Dane. He is the biggest baby I’ve ever met 🙂 I love him!
Aw, he is so cute! I do not own a dog and probably never will but I can appreciate how special the pets of my friends are! I have a lot of quirks, I am not sure where to start. 😉
We just adopted a dachshund pug mix and she is something else! 🙂 we got her from the shelter and she’s about 6 years old. As soon as I brought her home she’s been glued to me since! It’s been 4 days since we have had her and her personality shines every day! I just love this little girl and she is one of a kind 🙂
We have our third dox. We would have no other. The 10 rules plus your extra 6 are right on the money. Gypsy, Samantha, and now our precious Mimi Rose fit each and every rule.
I was raised as a child with a Doxie. My grandfather had kennels and he had a Doxie they were going to gave to,put down. My mother went and got him and he attached to me as a 3 year old.
Now as an adult my husband bought me one for my birthday 7 years ago. He was so tiny we could put him in a coffee mug. He has grown to be such a joy. My husband is now going on
83 and JayJay is his constant companion.
Two months ago we rescued another one. He is Charley Brown. To see him come out of his
shell and be come this character he was never allowed to be. He follows JayJay and imitates everything. He has become my little lover.
Doxies are very sensitive and lovable. What joy they have brought to us.
Our children passed before us, so god sent sent us Doxies to help the pain.
There’s no better breed . The love they give you is priceless. We have Libby and trigger. There best friends. Love them so much