December 8th Reverb10 Prompt: Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Karen Walrond)
I can easily attest that I am different than normal 23-year-olds. But mostly, I don’t think of that differently in a funky, off-the-wall way. I think of it in a negative way. I am different, but I want to be just like them. I am different, but I’m not happy being so.
It’s funny because as out of place as I feel in the real world, I feel so much more acceptance and unity from the blogging community. I open Google Reader and I find people who are just like me. We may not be exactly alike (who is?), but there are so many facets of your personality that mesh perfectly with mine. I’m finding that maybe it’s not so bad to be different. And I’m learning to accept my difference. Such as…
- …being a homebody and loving nights in way more than nights out.
- …knowing that curling up with a good book is one of my favorite ways to spend a weekend.
- …being obsessed with running, thinking about running, and worried over pace calculations.
- …not having any inclination in my body to drink. Whether it be beer or wine or mixed drinks, there’s nothing in it for me. I just don’t like the taste and I’m not afraid to admit that.
- …being health-conscious and focused on what’s good for my body, not just for a short while, but for my life.
- …realizing that being health-conscious is really, really hard and rife with struggles and ups and downs.
- …having a best friend in my mother and knowing that spending time with her keeps me sane.
- …finding out that being an introvert is a part of me, as much as my green eyes. And I’m learning to love this.
- …having a huge network of support and knowing these words I’m writing down will be read by people who love me. You guys are my favorites. All of you.