My mom and I have a serious problem. A serious spending problem. In August alone, we have spent around $710 on groceries.
For two people.
That’s ridiculous.
When I read about others’ grocery budgets and bills, I am in awe of how little you manage to spend. I know eating healthy is more expensive than eating junk, but I also know you can eat healthy on a budget.
Our problem doesn’t simply lie with our weekly trips to Publix, it’s also those little midweek trips we like to take when we only need to buy a few things, but always seems to be at least $30.
I need your help, blog friends. In a big way. How the heck do you guys keep your grocery bills so low?!
Here are some statistics on our grocery problem:
- Toiletries are included in the $710. We’re thinking of doing a separate biweekly toiletries trip at Target. How do you shop for toiletries?
- We usually buy our meat in small quantities, to only use for one meal. This tends to be very wasteful, though, so is bulk the way to go?
- We buy our fruit/veggies at the grocery store. Our Farmer’s Market doesn’t open until October 1st.
- We only buy weekly now, though I would like to switch to biweekly.
- We do use coupons, but only the ones from the Sunday paper generally and they don’t yield us a whole lot in savings.
There is a Sam’s Club 6 miles from where I live and a Costco around 8 miles from me. While I would like to start shopping at a bulk-food store, we just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Is it worth it?
Any help, tips, and/or smacks upside the head for being such a shopping dimwit are greatly appreciated!