I realize I left you guys hanging about the accident itself. Basically, we’re dealing with a lot of issues since my mom did walk away from it, without getting any names or information. (She was in such a state of shock, that thought didn’t even cross her mind until later.) They did get out and tried to help, but have not reported the accident (although we have). And we could run into problems with medical bills, since her health insurance may not cover them. As they say, when it rains, it pours.
On a lighter note, let’s do a “Ten on Tuesday”!
1. Where did you go to college?
University of South Florida. And I’m still there. I’ll be here forever, quite possibly.
2. What did you study?
Cute, you think I graduated! Ah, I wish. Currently, I’m studying Journalism & Media Studies. It’s fun, although I’m more into the media and marketing side of things than journalism.
3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?
It’s not anything like they show you in movies, that’s for sure! No crazy parties, late-night studying, or classes with a million students. I’ve had maybe 2 or 3 classes where I’ve had 50+ students. (I think this also has to do with the fact that I go to a smaller-sized school, and took all my general ed courses in a community college.)
Still, I like college. I’ve been challenged and have had some amazing professors. I’ve met some great people and I just generally like learning. (Super nerd alert?)
4. How far were you from home?
In my first year, I was about 30 miles away but then I started commuting in my second and third years. When I changed my major from Education to Journalism, I switched over to their St. Petersburg campus, which is where I am now. It’s only 10 miles away from where I live.
5. Did you have the same roommate all four years?
I had one roommate in my first year and it was the worst living situation in the history of college dorm roommates. We were so different and barely spoke one word to each other. Thankfully, she moved onto another floor with another roommate by the Spring semester so I had the dorm to myself for 5 whole months. It was great!
6. Where did you order food from at 2am?
I don’t. I’m asleep at 2am. Always.
7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?
Here’s a fun fact: I haven’t been in a relationship since 2004, and really, we can’t even call that a relationship. To answer your question, no.
8. Funniest drunk college moment?
I’ve never been drunk, actually. While it seems like it might be a fun time, I’m not too keen on the hangover the next morning. I try to avoid all possible situations of vomiting, thanks.
9. Did you make it to class on time?
Usually. Last semester was hard with my Tuesday/Thursday class since I got off work at 10:30am and had to rush to class, which was at 11. I usually made it a few minutes before, or a few minutes late. And since I like to be at least 10 minutes early to class, this was not acceptable for me.
10. What was your favorite class in college?
My favorite class has probably been Magazine Design. If you read my blog any time from January – May, you know how much stress it put on me. I went from feeling as if InDesign was going to take my life to feeling as if I totally owned that program. My first assignments were total duds but my magazine turned out so super awesome, that I have to credit it as my favorite. I’ve never learned so much, or put so much work into, one class.