1) Scalp psoriasis
I think I briefly mentioned this issue in a previous post, but the scalp itchiness I was dealing with last month was diagnosed by my dermatologist as scalp psoriasis. She gave me a prescription steroid liquid to rub all over my scalp. I am supposed to put this liquid on my scalp twice a day for two weeks, but I have not been doing that. It’s hard to remember to do it twice a day! And it just makes my hair greasy. However, it has significantly helped the itchiness! (And by doing so, it means the scabs I had scratched into my scalp have healed.) My goal is to try to apply the liquid a few times a week (I have another full bottle to use up) and then, hopefully, my scalp will have healed. I’ve never dealt with psoriasis before, so this was a new development for me, but I’m glad it was a quick fix!
2) Knife skills class
I had a lot of fun and learned a lot at the knife skills class I took on Sunday with my friend Amber. The most disappointing lesson I learned was that if I really want to improve my knife skills, I need to shell out hundreds of dollars for high-quality knives. (For example, the knife I used in class costs $200 alone.) I’ll have to make do with the knife block I bought from Target for $40, heh. But I learned the proper way to chop all kinds of vegetables, including how to cut an onion without making yourself cry. (Hint: Don’t slice into the root!) It was a valuable class and I’m glad I did it!
3) A blah week
I’ve been having a very blah week. It started on Sunday when I woke up with a sore throat and then throughout the day, just felt very, very tired and blah. I was really worried I was getting sick! Thankfully, I woke up on Monday feeling okay, but dealt with a dull headache all day. And I still felt so blah that I ended up taking a Covid test, just to make sure I didn’t somehow get Covid. (It was negative.) On Tuesday, I woke up with a killer headache and thought I was going to have to cancel my plans to work from the office (we were having an in-person event), but ibuprofen did the trick. Is it the time change? Is mercury in retrograde? (Okay, I just checked and it’s not.) Is it because I just finished my period? Is it because I’m not a robot and sometimes I feel really energized and sometimes I don’t? Whatever the reason, I decided to listen to my body. For example, on Thursday, I set my alarm for 6am to do a workout before starting work and I was just so tired when my alarm went off that I turned it off and went back to sleep. I ended up waking up naturally around 7:45, feeling rested and refreshed!
4) Laundry, etc.
I got so many great comments on my post about laundry! It’s fun how differently we all approach our laundry chore. There were a few things I forgot to mention in my post that I’ll add here as miscellaneous items:
- My current washer/dryer is SO LOUD. I’ve never had such a noisy one before. The washer always shakes like a madman halfway through the cycle, and I can’t ever have my dryer going when I’m in a meeting or watching TV. It’s that loud! (And my apartment is that small, sigh.) And then my dryer makes such an annoying noise when the load has finished (and there’s no way to turn it off). I am so ready to move and have a quieter washer/dryer. Please!
- Another annoyance with my dryer is that the door doesn’t stay open. I have to keep it open by placing heavy-duty packing tape on the door (loop style) and then pressing the door to the wall next to the dryer so that the tape sticks to the wall and keeps my dryer door open. It’s so stupid.
- Since I didn’t gross anyone out about my sheet-washing habits, how about this one? I wear jeans, pants, and sports bras more than once before I wash them. Even when I worked in an office and wore jeans all day to work, I’d give them a few wears before putting them in the washer. I just don’t think clothes get dirty as quickly as we think! Obviously, underwear, socks, and t-shirts are a one-wear-and-done for me (well, unless it’s a t-shirt I’m just wearing around the house, then it gets quite a few wears). Workout pants and sports bras… eh, unless I got super sweaty in them (which I rarely do), they get used multiple times before getting washed.
Here’s the dryer door. The arrow is pointing to my looped tape that’s keeping the door open.
5) Weekend plans
What a fun weekend I have ahead of me! Tonight, I’m going to one of my favorite local bookstores, Book + Bottle. (I have a gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket!) Tomorrow, I have a writing date with Mikaela in the morning and game night in the evening. And Sunday, it’s the March meeting for Silent Book Club. Yay!
What are your weekend plans?