Happy Tuesday and Happy St. Patrick’s Day, friends! I have donned my green (though I feel like my eyes being green should count for something), and I am hoping not to get pinched today. 🙂 I had a super wonderful weekend and I thought it would be the perfect way to bring back my fun “Weekend in Pictures” series. Enjoy!
My weekend kicked off in a delicious way on Friday afternoon – breakfast for lunch! I went out with three coworkers to Nikki’s in Tampa, where I ordered a breakfast sandwich that was delish.
After lunch, my friend (and soon-to-be roomie) looked at two different apartments. We are not planning on moving until late July, so there aren’t any apartments available yet for that time frame, but we still want to start looking so we can get a feel for what’s out there, what we like, pricing, etc. The first apartment we looked at was beautiful, very reasonably priced, and in a great area of Tampa. The other apartment was also in a great area of Tampa (and within walking distance of dozens of restaurants!), but overpriced and very underwhelming (very little storage space, not as updated, etc.) (They wanted $1,700 a month for a two-bedroom. Nope, nope, nope!)
After apartment hunting, I met up with a friend at Starbucks to work on our respective novels. I hadn’t opened my document since August, so, needless to say, it was tough getting back into it. But I managed to write almost 1,100 words, so progress was made. Woo!
The rest of my Friday was spent very lazily! I ordered in a pizza, watched TV, and settled in bed with a good book. Happy Friday to me!
Saturday morning, Dutch woke me up at 8, we went for our morning walk, and then snuggled on the couch to read. Best way to start a Saturday morning, in my opinion!
After a long workout and then spending the early afternoon running errands and cleaning my apartment, I decided to reward myself with a few hours by the pool! It was 83 and sunny on Saturday afternoon, and felt so wonderful to relax outside and get some rays! I suspect lots and lots more pool days are in my near future.
Saturday night, I met up with some friends for laser tag. It was weird at first because I was the, ahem, seventh wheel, and man, you’ve got to be really secure and happy in your singleness to go to an event as the only single person. And I am. But it was also a little difficult. My friends were good at making me feel included and not like the weirdo single person, but it’s hard not to feel a little out of place. I did have fun, even though I still majorly suck at laser tag.
Most of Sunday was spent very lazily! I watched a bunch of TV (finally finished season one of Friday Night Lights and started season two, caught myself up on Gotham and New Girl), did some cleaning around the apartment, read, took Dutch on a long walk, and grocery shopped for the week. It was quite perfect!
My weekend was capped off with some ice cream (I’ve been searching and searching for this flavor ever since Jimmy Fallon revealed it on The Tonight Show a few weeks ago – it is so damn good!), painting my nails, and watching the first three episodes of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (I. love. this. show.)
All in all, a spectacularly wonderful weekend! It was the perfect mix of downtime, puppy snuggles, and hanging out with friends. 🙂
How was your weekend? Favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor (I’m partial to Half-Baked, but The Tonight Dough is a close second!)