And just like that… 2013 is half over. I feel like I say this every month (I do), but man, the months just seem to fly by so fast. I can’t believe we’re already halfway done with this year! It’s time to kick everything into high gear, so I can knock off some of my goals for this year.
Following Jessica’s lead, I am ending the month by recapping three awesome things that happened in June and setting three goals for July.
In June, I…
1. Took Dutch to work! Last Friday, it was Take Your Dog to Work Day so Dutch got to come with me to work! Another coworker brought her golden lab and they were very interested in one another. Dutch tends to like bigger dogs more than smaller dogs, so he had no issues with a dog that had 50+ lbs on him! I was SO excited to have Dutch with me for the full day. He was a bit antsy at the beginning and it was hard to keep him near me (he wanted to inspect the place!) but he calmed down around 11am and took a nap. He was such a good little boy but he was tuckered out on Friday night!
2. Had some great nights out. It’s well-documented that I don’t get out much. I don’t like having a full social calendar and need lots of downtime on the weekends to just relax. But I also love getting out and forcing myself to be social and have fun. I had Friday night plans three weeks in a row and it was just what I needed. Lots of laughter and fun memories were made, with old friends and new.
3. Watched my cousin graduate from high school. All the odds were stacked against her. She was behind in every class, had a baby just as senior year started, dealt with her boyfriend-turned-husband joining the military and leaving her for months at a time. But she worked hard, caught up, and graduated on time with her class. She’s an inspiration and I am just so darned proud of her. I can’t wait to see what’s next for her! (First up, though, is moving to Texas to be reunited with her husband. I. AM. GOING. TO. MISS. HER. SO. MUCH!)
In July, I will…
1. Wake up at 5am every weekday. For the last half of June, I started making it a goal to wake up early to get work done. I work best in the wee hours of the morning when the world is quiet and sleeping. It’s where I feel the most refreshed and recharged and focused. Whether it’s writing a blog post or getting in a solid morning workout, I really love getting an early start to my day and knocking out some to-dos.
2. Spend less than $150 on anything that is not a necessary bill or expense. In June, I spent $269 in unnecessary spending. I want to take my No Spend Challenge more seriously because it hasn’t really been a true No Spend Challenge. While I have gotten a handle on my shopping habit, I haven’t gotten any sort of handle on the amount of money I spend on food. It’s time to get really strict and serious about this No Spend Challenge in July!
3. Pitch 5 bloggers on guest posting topics. I’ve worked through my list of bloggers who volunteered to let me post on their blog, so now it’s time to sift through the different blogs I’ve been wanting to guest post on and send out my most charming pitch email. We’ll see how it goes!