It’s no secret that I love listening to podcasts. I currently subscribe to 22 podcasts, and I’ve listed a few of my favorites in this post. I should probably write another version because I’ve added a ton of new podcasts to my feed since I wrote that post, many of which I love more than the ones listed there.
But I digress.
One of my favorite podcasts is The Art of Simple. It’s funny that I love this podcast so much since it’s a bit motherhood-centric and I generally don’t enjoy those types of podcasts (obviously, since I’m in a completely different stage of life/not sure I even want to have children). But there’s something about Tsh and the way she interviews her guests. It’s fun to listen to, and I’m always a bit giddy when she has a new podcast up. Whenever she has a new guest on the show, she asks them the below 10 questions. They’re simple and fun and designed for a quick reply. So when Amber and then Lisa both wrote a post detailing their answers to the 10 questions, I thought it would be fun to play along.
Here we go!
1. Twitter or Facebook?
This is difficult because I don’t use either very regularly anymore. In fact, I probably wouldn’t even have a Facebook if I didn’t use it for communicating with my book club girls! My favorite form of social media is Instagram these days, but if I had to choose between Twitter or Facebook, I’d pick Facebook since it keeps me in touch with friends and family. And I’d have to echo Amber’s thoughts that Twitter has a bit too much noise. (I even deleted about 150 people I was following, and it’s still a bit noisy!)
2. Morning person or night owl?
I’m more of a morning person than a night owl. I’d rather work out in the morning than at night, wake up early than stay up late, and I generally prefer daylight to nighttime.
3. How do you drink coffee?
Lots of ways! I love coffee as a frap (which is basically a dessert) or in latte form. If I’m drinking regular coffee, I take it with two creams and a dash of sugar.
4. It’s 9pm and you’ve got the house to yourself, what do you do?
Well, as a single gal, these nights are all too common. (And I love that!) Typically, I’ll take a hot bubble bath and then lay in bed to read!
5. What’s on your nightstand right now?
A lamp, an old-fashioned alarm clock, a coin jar, and the current book I’m reading.
6. What smell do you love?
Coffee. Freshly cut grass. Chocolate chip cookies baking. The ocean. Sheets straight from the dryer.
7. What smell do you hate?
Cinnamon. Cigarette smoke. Burned meat or fish.
8. Other than your current home, where would you most like to live?
No surprise here – Savannah, GA! I truly believe I will call that city home someday.
9. If you could only eat one nationality of food for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
That’s an easy one – Italian. Any other nationality of food I can take or leave (yes, this includes Mexican food. I really have to be in the mood for Mexican. I can go weeks without eating it and be just fine.), but this girl loves her pasta!
10. When you were six years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
At that age, probably a veterinarian. I loved animals so much and thought being around them all the time would be so much fun. (I held onto this dream until I was 16 years old and took a college-level science course. That’s when I realized a science degree was not in the cards for me!)
Other than your current home, where would you live?
I’d live on or near a lake, somewhere quiet with little disturbances, but still close (30 minute drive) to all the city amenities. Really, the commute is the only thing holding me back from making that leap!
I really love our current location and even the size of our home but having a garage/more storage space would make ALL the difference for us! I also want to live outside of the city and have more space one day!
I feel the same way about Twitter! I unfollowed around 200 accounts and it’s still too overwhelming when I scroll thorugh my feed. I honestly think I’d like it better and use it more if I unfollowed A LOT more accounts and just followed other bloggers that I enjoy… I should get on that!
I’d love to live somewhere in the South. I’ve also always dreamed of living in NYC but I know that’s not really realistic for me and my lifestyle. Ultimately though, I’ll probably never end up moving and I’ll be stuck with these horrible winters forever. I am way too attached to all my family and friends here.
I will have to check out The Art of Simple podcast since both you and Amber like it. I had sort of assumed I wouldn’t enjoy it since I’m obv not a mom but since you two aren’t either and still enjoy it I will have to check it out!
I can totally see why you can envision yourself living in Savannah. It is such a charming city! I think that was my favorite southern city that I visited!
Other than this condo building, I would consider living in south Minneapolis. Ideally I would need to be walking distance from some restaurants/coffee shops and close to a bus line. Other cities in the U.S. that I could live are NYC, San Francisco, and Chicago. And while I did not like Charlotte, I did love Asheville and I think that would be a fun area to retire in!
Twitter just plain annoys me, if I’m being honest. So much griping and grumpiness on there as a general rule.
I would probably say that San Diego or just south of LA would be my pick for my second home. I have really fallen in love with CA my last few trips out there. Don’t get me wrong, FL has a special place in my heart but my allergies don’t like it there which makes me fairly miserable!
If I could bring my family and friends anywhere.. I would live in San Francisco, or anywhere in California. Or Chicago/NYC.
I wanted to be a vet too when I was little…
I changed my mind after working at a vet’s office during summer breaks. It broke my heart to put animals down and I couldn’t fathom doing that for a living (I know that is only part of the job, but it was so hard!)
I love how much you’ve fallen in love with Savannah. It’s so clear how much you love it there! It would be awesome to see you live there someday
I totally agree with you about Twitter. I have hardly used it in the last 2+ years, and every time I open it, the noise is just too much. I used to really love it, but for now I don’t have much desire to use it. I use Facebook pretty regularly, especially to keep in touch with far away friends and family.