MORNING | My alarm wakes me up at 7 a.m. and the girls are being very cuddly with me, so I laze around in bed for a bit. I get up 20 minutes later and feed the girls. Then, I brush my teeth, pull my hair into a half-down/half-up style, and put on yoga pants with a nice shirt (the ultimate work-from-home uniform!). I sit on the couch to read my book and play some games on my phone. Around 8, I make myself get off the couch, do my morning skincare routine, take my meds, and make my breakfast. (I don’t make my bed today since Eloise has found herself a cozy spot on the bed and I don’t have the heart to make her move.) I’m sitting down to work right around 8:30. I spend the first part of my day answering emails, working on meeting notes, and editing a batch of content. And then I have a one-on-one meeting with my boss, which is very productive. Afterward, I exchange some messages with one of my colleagues and then decide I’m tired and want a nap. I take a 30-minute siesta on the couch and wake up to Ellie poking me with one of her claws because she needs to be petted.
AFTERNOON | After my nap, I make lunch and eat it while scrolling Reddit forums. And then it’s time to log into my weekly meeting with the other content managers. I always enjoy this meeting; it’s fun to chit-chat with the other managers (we’re all women, which helps!) and brainstorm solutions to some of the issues we all come across. I jump from that meeting to another one, this time with my fave coworker. Sometimes, we use this time to do work and sometimes, we need a venting session. Today, she needed to vent so that’s what we do. I’m able to get some work done during our call, like putting together a content strategy plan and answering some emails. Afterward, I take a break to put some chicken in the Crock-Pot (not sure if this will be dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow… we’ll see!) and take a short 15-minute walk outside. I was able to wear my hair down for the walk and didn’t feel like dying! We’re making progress with our weather. I get back to work after my walk and answer some Slack messages, go through my emails, and then start working on creating content briefs for a client. We’re trying to figure out the word count for this specific project so we can accurately resource plan with our content team. I also call into a town hall, but since I only have to listen, I’m able to continue my work. A few hours later, I am finished with the content briefs. Yay! I clear out my inbox before shutting down for the night.
NIGHT | I feed the girls and then get my own dinner ready! Thankfully, my chicken is all done even though I threw it in the Crock-Pot later than I intended. I shred the chicken (salsa chicken – easiest recipe: just throw in chicken and salsa into the Crock-Pot and let it cook for a few hours) and then make corn and rice. I throw it all in a bowl together and eat it while reading blogs. It’s a tasty meal for sure, and I’ll have leftovers for lunch for the next few days. Once I’m finished with dinner, I take a bubble bath and then sit on the couch to read for a bit. Lila comes up to me for pets so I multitask! Eventually, I get up from the couch so I can do my nighttime routine, work on this post, and read some blogs. (I’m trying my best to keep up!) I also clean up the kitchen, which is a bit of a wreck from the day. By the time all is said and done, it’s 11pm and I am very tired. I read just a chapter of my novel before turning on an ASMR video to lull me to sleep.
tuesday in the life: 2022, 2020, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014
What’s one of your fave easy meals?
I feel like it is easy for me to grab a walk midday, and I never really thought about the weather. Generally, I don’t need to get sweaty because it’s either SO COLD or pretty pleasant outside. This really helps with flexibility because I don;t need to worry about getting dissevled.
In a pinch, we just do scrambled eggs and popcorn. We’re not fancy here. This can be prepared and on the table in ten minutes. LOL. I love reading about how the cats have some control over your schedule. It’s crazy how much influence my pets have on my day-to-day life, so I’m glad to know I’m not the only one!
That sounds like a perfect easy meal! And yum! Mine is something a child would eat – vegan chicken fingers and broccoli and pasta. Ha.
Yay for ending the night with a bath! I wonder if I can take one tomorrow before I go to LA. That sounds fab. Or I could on lunch break today!
Oooh I want that ice cream sandwich.
I really love a good stir fry for a quick meal. I use frozen veggies and I like to keep mini egg rolls from Costco in the freezer so that we can have a special treat alongside.
A stir fry is also my favorite easy meal. I don’t own a crock pot but every once in a while I wonder if I should.
I’m laughing at you lying in bed for 20 minutes before getting up- I seriously think my cats would start biting me if I didn’t get up right away to feed them. Your job sounds GREAT. I love how you genuinely seem to like your coworkers, and the WFH situation is great so you can take a nap or go for a walk when you need a break. Every job should be like that!
I really thought the cats would get more demanding once I started feeding them on a schedule, but they’re not! I appreciate it, for sure. Ha!
That shirt looks so joyful.
We recently discovered and do tortilla grilled cheese thingies. It’s basically a grilled cheese e but with tortilla and also added chicken. It is warm and done in like 2 minutes. easiest dinner and so healthy with a side salad.
I am wonder what a content strategy plan looks like for you. I have never heard that term but I guess ive done that too but am not sure.
A content strategy plan is a little complicated to explain, but essentially, all of our clients pay for a specific number of website pages that will be added to their site every month. They can be pages specifically designed to improve their SEO or blogs. And the content strategy plan lists out what pages we will be adding to their website each quarter.
Oh I see. Thank you for explaining. That makes sense.
Ha. I just posted one of my favorite easy meals on my blog today – it can be thrown together in <10 minutes and it's just so good and full of flavor.
Sounds like you had a pretty productive day!
One of my go to meals is similar to San’s (I just came from her blog). The other day I made tomato soup and grilled cheese, which I love.
Your day sounds like the perfect mix of productive and relaxing. 🙂
I sometimes make a similar dish, salsa and fish or chicken, in the oven, since I don’t have a crockpot, nor a place to put one if I did.
The Crockpot definitely takes up space. I keep it on top of my fridge when it’s not in use, lol.
I love a good crockpot meal!
It’s so great that you have such a good relationship with your colleagues. That really makes work life so much better. And hooray for (slightly) cooler temps!
I am kind of envious of your slow mornings. Ours are so unpleasant since we are trying to leave the house by 7 and will is not a morning person AT ALL. It’s a total gong show most mornings. Ideally I am at my desk logged in by 7:45 so it as go go go period of time until I am logged on in my quiet office.
My favorite easy meal is scrambled eggs or eggs over easy with toast. I will also eat a bowl of cereal or warm up a can of soup!
I remember the days of rushing around to get out the door by a specific time every morning – of course, no kids to ALSO get out the door, which made it less hectic. I am so glad I don’t have to do that anymore!
Would you believe I don’t have and have never used a crockpot?
One of my easiest meals is tortilla wraps. I just chop up veggies and avocado, and the guys usually get sauteed chicken, and then I serve it all up, everyone builds their own. Serve with salsa and cheese for the guys!
Crockpot chicken sounds like the easiest meal ever! also, I am so, so happy your weather is finally moderating. May you have low humidity and reasonable temperatures for a few months, now. 🙂 (We’ll be freezing our rears off up here, so the envy will switch directions :>).