I spend a lot of time thinking about this crazy idea I have about writing a novel. Thinking about how many hours I’ve put into writing all of the different drafts… and how many more hours I have left to go before I have anything resembling a novel that can be pitched to literary agents and publishing houses. I think about the tiny percentage of aspiring novelists who get their work published by big-name publishers and the even tinier percentage that makes a name for themselves in the book world.
Of course, if you’re going to write a novel, you can’t think of those numbers. Because that’s not the point, is it? The point isn’t to become famous and see my novel on every bookstore’s bestseller table. The point is that there is nothing more natural, nothing more essential, nothing more exciting than writing. To write is to live. To write is to breathe. To write is to know who I am.
So who am I if I do not write? If I close that document on my Google Drive, and I pack it away in a file folder within a file folder within a file folder. If I tell myself I don’t have to do this to myself anymore. I don’t have to write or think about characters or brainstorm about plot.
Who am I if I decide that this dream I’ve had since I was a little girl and filling up notebooks with book ideas… was just the dream of a little girl? Not the dream of a grown-up.
I’ve been trying to find the motivation to work on my novel for the better part of this year. I just have no desire to sit down with these characters or plot out the story. I’ve tried not to be too hard on myself because the pandemic has halted many creative pursuits. It’s hard to focus on writing a silly romance when I’m deeply concerned about the fate of our nation. Back in March, my writing partner and I moved to Zoom for our weekly, two-hour writing dates. Sometimes I’d work on my novel, but more often than not, I’d use that time to work on blog posts or answer emails.
I started rewriting my plot sometime over the summer. Or maybe it was even earlier than that. I had written a good chunk of the novel (most of it during NaNoWriMo 2019) and wrote myself into a corner. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to take the novel. So I went back to the drawing board with the plan of getting my plot in tip-top shape for NaNoWriMo 2020.
But I wasn’t doing that. I wasn’t working on my novel. I always found something else to do: books to read, blog posts to write, emails to answer, blogs to engage with, cats to play with, TV shows to watch. And if you think I didn’t beat myself up for not having the motivation to sit down at my computer every night to work on my novel, you don’t know me. I was frustrated with myself. I talked to myself the way I would an enemy. “You must not want this badly enough if you’re not willing to put in the work, you lazy piece of shit. You think other writers moan and groan about having “motivation”? No. They just do the goddamn work.”
Hi, my name is Stephany and I suck at positive self-talk.
Right around the time I was having these pleasant conversations with myself, I read a blog post that gently encouraged me to look at all the different facets of my life and consider their value. What is adding value, what is taking it away? What feels good when I do it, and what doesn’t? What brings me deep, abiding pleasure?
These simple questions unlocked a torrent of emotions. It made me take a good, hard look at the why behind my lack of motivation with my novel. I considered what it might mean, what it might say about me, if I gave up my dream of writing a novel.
How would it reframe the way I saw myself, the way I set up my life? Would it open up space in my creative life to consider other pursuits—growing my blog or pitching articles to publications or starting a podcast?
Would it make me feel like a failure, as if I was giving up on myself just because it felt hard?
Or maybe I don’t have to attach any meaning to this decision. It could just be… a decision I made at this point in my life, a decision I can revisit whenever I want. Imagine that!
A few weeks after deciding I wasn’t going to participate in NaNoWriMo and shelving away my story for the time being, my mind wouldn’t let me sleep. It was working overtime as a story idea—a previous one from a long ago time—jumped into my brain. I started daydreaming about this story, parsing through the characters and their motivations and the plot.
It was the first time in many months, maybe even years, that I’ve felt that sort of creativity pulsing through me.
It was electric. I forgot about that fire you feel when your mind is ablaze with creativity, and you can’t stop it from spreading if you try.
It got me excited about writing again.
I haven’t done anything about this new spark. I’m simply letting it burn through me. It lights up and it simmers, and I’m enjoying the simple delight that comes with a new idea that could transform into something so much more.
Maybe this story is the one. Or maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s simply there to remind me that writing a novel is my destiny, and it’s okay if takes me a while to get there.