I know. I said I was going to stop with the meme’s and weekly features. But I thought of this idea last week and thought it was fun so I’m trying it out. There are just some things you don’t know about me…
I’ve never eaten frozen yogurt in my life.
And I can’t say I’ve ever wanted to. When I think of desserts I want (especially cold ones), ice cream fills every spot in my mind. To me, yogurt is not dessert. It’s a necessary evil. And really, the only place I’ve been that serves frozen yogurt around here is Dairy Queen. So then it’s a choice: a delicious Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Blizzard or a cup of froyo? OK. It’s never been a choice because froyo has never crossed my mind. But I’m determined to try it someday!
I’m a Florida girl at heart, yet I hate the beach.
I have never liked the beach. I mean, it takes so much to prepare to go. And then you need quarters. And then you have to find the perfect spot, away from the people who come just to drink and away from the ones who bring their eight children and friends. And then you have to set everything up and it’s always windy so it takes forever. And then you venture out into the surf, but it’s either too cold or you get a mouthful of salt water within 3 minutes. And then you get sand everywhere when you come back. And then you can’t read your book because the sun shines on it too brightly. And then you try to eat your sandwich or chips or whatever you bring and a whole tribe of birds (yes, I know it’s the wrong term!) comes flying in. (Once, I even saw a bird steal an entire half-sub from a guy’s hands. The whole thing!) And then you finally decide you’re done for the day so you pack everything up, wash the sand off, get into the car and get sand everywhere, get home, and realize you’re completely sunburnt.
Or…you can throw on a bathing suit, grab a book and your flip-flops and walk over to the pool – which is 2 minutes away. You can relax, swim a little in perfect-temperature water, and get a little sun. Ah, I love the pool.
I don’t love the beach.
I tried reading a novel by Jane Austen, but I got bored.
You can pick your jaws up off the ground now. I’m sorry. I tried. I really, really tried. But I just couldn’t get into her. I’m so used to my fluffy, nonsense chick-lit and romance novels and it her books are not light, fluffy reads! I have to really think when I read her books and right now, I just want some books to read when I’m taking a break from schoolwork where I don’t have to think. I can just read them and laugh at the corniness of it.
I do have a goal to read all of her books so I’m going to try to read them again. Right now, it’s just too hard.
Sometimes, I cry a little when I read articles in SHAPE magazine.
Some of the articles are really inspiring! But I usually only read SHAPE when I’m at the gym, since it motivates me to keep trodding on. So it’s a little weird to choke back the tears while on the elliptical. It’s usually the weight-loss articles that get to me, because I can totally commiserate with these people. I totally know what it’s like to struggle and to find people who manage to make it to their goal weight is awesome. Also, those mother-daughter stories and cancer-survival stories choke me up as well.
When I was little, I couldn’t wait to be a grown-up with my own place so I could leave a roll of cookie dough in the fridge to eat at my heart’s desire.
And even though Travis recently talked about how a certain type of E. Coli can lead to kidney failure and neurological damage, I still love that stuff. I know it’s bad for you so don’t leave me hate comments about it. But it is so gosh-darn good! (And yes, I still have this fantasy.)
What are some confessions you have? And did any of my confessions surprise you?