I think it’s time for another I Love… Mondays. I did my first one in August and feel it was time for another one. I’ll try to get better at doing these more often. Ideally, every Monday but sometimes life gets in the way of that!
Actually, I don’t. I like the idea of running. And when I see people running, it makes me want to become a runner even more. And those first 30 seconds? Easy as pie. Then the calves start hurting and my breath gets shorter and shorter. And once the stomach cramps start? Forget it. I’m done. But I really, really want to become a runner. I’m not sure I’ll ever love it as much as my mom does but the idea of being a runner? Yeah. I love that.
I bought my first ever pumpkin Saturday night. I am determined to carve an adorable little pumpkin face in it, eat some pumpkin seeds, and maybe even make some pumpkin bread! I’ve never done any of those and I’m really excited about it! Alas, I didn’t go to a pumpkin patch to buy my pumpkin but I still get all gooey and excited seeing my pumpkin sitting on the counter. He’s adorable!
I’ve never been much of a shoe girl. Just a few pairs to get me through what few outfits I do have. But everytime I walk into Payless or down the shoe aisle in Target (struggling college student alert!), I really want to become a shoe girl. I found this adorable pair of flats at Target that I really desperately wanted to buy. But I was there only to buy a pair of flip-flops so that’s what I did. (Yep…I live in Florida. I buy new flip-flops for the fall/winter.) But I’d really love to build up a shoe collection and start taking some pride in those adorable feet of mine!